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My wife, Jennifer, and I were young newlyweds fresh out of college. I was 24 and Jen was 23. The sex was great and it happened often, usually twice a day. We had no intensions of having children soon and we were living very comfortably. Things seemed to be going great, so I never expected to catch my beautiful wife with another man.

Jennifer is so beautiful. So beautiful in fact, that I often wondered how an average guy like my self wound up with her. She’s a tight tiny little thing at 5’2″ tall and only 105 pounds. I even know her measurements, 30B-21-30. She is the quintessential pretty blue eyed Blond. However it isn’t just her pretty face or her sexy little body that made Jennifer so extremely beautiful. Her high pitched yet soft soothing voice is so nice, especially during sex. I think the best thing about Jennifer is that she admittedly loves sex.

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

I feigned sickness and left work early one beautiful spring afternoon, because I knew my wife had off that day and I wanted to surprise her. When I arrived at our upper middle class home in the suburbs, I noticed an unusual car in my driveway. I was immediately disappointed because I had wanted to make love to Jennifer. I hoped that who ever owned the car would leave soon so Jen and I could fuck like wild monkeys. I walked in the house expecting to see my wife and the unknown person in the living room, but there was no one. I searched the rest of the main floor, but still I found no one. I had just begun to think she might have gone out with some of her friends when I heard a noise from upstairs. As I made my way up the stairs I realized they were in our bedroom. I could hear heavy breathing and grunting. I remember naively thinking to myself, ‘What is she exercising?’

When I arrived at the wide open door to my bedroom I was totally caught off guard by what I saw. Shocked, speechless, and immobile I stood and watched as two large naked guys were having their way with my wife. The smell of sex was strong. Jennifer was on all fours in her favorite red lace bodice and matching high heel shoes. One of the men, a tall dark and handsome type, was fucking her hard from behind. His big hands tightly squeezed her thin waist, while his cock forcefully slammed into her over and over again. The other man was shorter yet very muscular and he had his cock buried in Jennifer’s throat, profusely gagging her with out mercy. His hand was tightly grasping her hair pinning her face against his stomach with every hard thrust of his powerful hips. They were very rough with my wife, much more so than I would ever even think to be. She seemed to love every second of it.

It took quite a while before they realized I was standing there.

The taller guy fucking Jen’s bald little cunt said out loud, “Ahh yeah, I’m about to blow baby.”

Jennifer reached a hand under and back to gently massage the tall guy’s balls while he painted her insides with his cum. He buried his cock as deep as it would go then retracted halfway and slamming back in.

The tall guy moaned loudly as his fluids filled my wife’s womb, “Mmmm! You dirty little slut.”

Toward the end of Dave’s climax the mix of fluids was foaming up at the base of his cock. When the tall guy finished cumming he fell back on the bed and the muscular guy complained, “Fuck you Dave, now I have to put my dick into your cum.”

The tall guy, Dave, laughed and said, “I just hope she’s on the pill or something.”

The muscular guy pulled his cock from Jen’s mouth and the first thing she said was, “I get so fucking hot when guys cum in my pussy!”

Then as my wife and the muscleman attempted to switch into a fucking position they spotted me still standing in shock by the doorway.

The muscleman was the first one to speak as he got up and walked toward the door, “You’re going to have to wait your turn dude. Don’t worry; it won’t take long for me with this hot little slut.” Then he slammed the door in my face.

Then I heard Jen yell out to me, “Wait! Please don’t be mad John.”

The door swung back open and my beautiful wife was standing in front of me. The bodice was holding her tits up high and tight together. Her bald cunt was literally dripping with cum and pussy juice.

Jen hugged me and whispered into my ear, “I’m so sorry!”

I was silent for a moment as I had so many different emotions battling inside me. To be expected, I was angry and hurt. However, to my own surprise, I was also extremely turned on. My cock was throbbing in my pants and I’m sure my wife felt it as she hugged me. Some how I managed to swallow the negative emotions and focus on the positive.

I said out loud, “Well don’t keep the man waiting honey.”

Jen seemed a little frantic and confused, “What do you mean John?”

I explained in a stern voice, “We’ll discuss it later Jen, for now I want to see this big fella fuck the shit out of you.”

Jen managed to give me a coy yet devilish smile just before being yanked back to the bed by the muscleman. Dave was already up and getting dressed when he introduced himself to me. I told him he could grab a beer from the fridge down stairs.

The muscleman introduced himself as Roy and then pushed Jen onto her back on the bed. He stood next to the bed and pushed Jen’s ankles back until the red heels were next to her ears. Her slit opened a little revealing the puddle of Dave’s cum oozing out of her. The drips on her inner thighs had already begun to dry and the rest of her pussy was a sloppy mess of happily mixed fluids.

Before plunging his cock into my wife’s pussy, Roy asked Jen, “You are on birth control, right?”

I knew Jen was properly protected from pregnancy, but she smiled in a sinister manner and asked, “If I said no, would it stop you from cumming in my pussy.”

Jen certainly didn’t seem inhibited by my presence and she was certainly right about Roy’s cock. Roy must have been at least nine inches long and an Inch in diameter, putting me to shame by about three inches. Even Dave, who was well over 6′ tall didn’t have the length or girth of Roy. I was amazed that Jen had fit it all the way down her throat with out vomiting.

Roy slowly lowered his cock into Jen’s cum filled velvet sheath with out ever answering Jen’s previous question, or fully knowing weather or not Jen was on ‘the pill’. I stood at the opposite side of the bed and dropped my pants. I watched with jealous lust as I stroked my cock just over my wife’s face.

Roy moaned and commented, “Wow, that’s a mighty tight pussy for a slutty little fuck toy like your self.”

Jen was staring up at me with an apologetic face as Roy began to build a steady rhythm. His feet were braced on the cabernet carpet floor and he was leaning over her pressing her knees into her tits. He didn’t seem to mind me stroking my cock so close to their faces. Jen reached her right hand down to her pussy and started to rub her clit while Roy fucked her with gradually increasing ferocity.

Jen looked up to me with lustful eyes and said, “John, I love you. I love that you’re so into this. It makes me so hot.”

I responded, “I love you too Honey, but I’m still a little upset!”

Roy was confused with our words and questioned me, “What are you, married to this slut or something?”

I nodded and Roy looked down to my wife and said, “We’ll stop the lovey-dovey bullshit, it’s distracting.”

Jen reached up with her free hand and snatched my cock away from my own grasp. She squeezed it tightly as her body began to tens up underneath the behemoth. I knew she was about to climax and climax she did. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her whole body tensed up. She was leaning up into Roy’s chest when she released her grip on my cock and wrapped that free arm around Roy. Her other hand kept massaging her clit throughout her entire orgasm.

My wife moaned out in ecstasy, “Oooh fuck! Oooooh! Aahhh!”

Roy started in, “Yeah bitch, milk my fucking cock you dirty whore. Cum on my cock slut.”

I never even thought of speaking to my wife in such a derogatory manner, but she obviously liked it and so did I. I had begun stroking myself again as I watched my wife satisfy another much more attractive man.

Jen’s orgasm slowly subsided and she had begun to coax Roy into cumming, “Fuck yeah, I love that huge cock stretching out my tiny little cunt. You made me cum so fucking hard with that big thing. Now I want you to cum for me. C’mon Roy, I want to feel your hot juices spraying the walls of my slut pussy.”

Roy commanded Jen with ragged breath, “Tell me what you are.”

Jen responded, “I’m a dirty little cum slut!”

Roy looked down to her pussy and continued with the same ragged voice, “That’s right bitch! Mmm, your pussy looks like it’s from a little girl. So little, smooth and soft, not even the slightest bit of stubble. I love it, a dirty slut with a tight little girl cunt.”

Jen went on, “Yeah you like my little girl cunt don’t you?”

Roy could only nod his head at this point and Jen knew he was going to cum very soon. He quickly changed his position in one swift move. He pulled his legs up onto the bed into a tight kneeling position and allowed Jen’s legs to spread out to the sides and wrap around his ass. Then he literally ripped the front of Jen’s bodice open and pulled her heaving body tightly against his own. Finally he moaned loudly as he fucked her with short deep strokes.

Jen was gently caressing Roy’s muscular back with her fingernails while he filled her pussy with gobs of cum. She also continued the dirty slut talk, “Fuck Yeah, I can feel your hot cum inside my little girl pussy. C’mon Roy fill that cunt with cum! Fuck Yeah, that’s the way I like it.

Finally Roy’s pace slowed dramatically and his cumming had obviously stopped. He kept on moving in and out with long full slow strokes. His head was buried into the crook of Jen’s neck and he had his full body weight on her. Jen was caressing his head with her sexy red nails cooing into his ear. Finally the behemoth rolled off of her and Jen pulled me onto the bed.

She said, “Lie down; I’m going to make it all better.”

I did as she asked, remaining silent as I did through most of the strange experience. Jen mounted me with her sloppy slimy pussy hovering over my cock. A bubbly mixture of cum and pussy juice quickly began to drip onto my cock. It was a very enjoyable sensation. As Jen lowered her pussy onto my throbbing dick I was surprised with how effortlessly it slid in. It was a slightly different feeling with cum already in her pussy. I liked it. As her inner thighs touched my hips I noticed how sticky and slimy they were. I reached around to grab her ass and found her ass was also a slimy mess of cum and sweat. She began to grind her cunt into me just how she knew I liked it. Roy got dressed and left the room with out another word.

The only noises that could be heard were our heavy breathing and the sticky sloshing slapping sounds of our genitals. Jen lowered her warm naked body onto mine and began to lick my neck just the way I liked it. It took less than two minutes before I was about to cum. I held her by her tiny little waist as I blew up inside her.

Jen whispered into my ear as I was cumming, “Yeah John, cum for me.”

I flooded her cunt even more with stream after stream of hot liquid life. It was a long Orgasm and I’m sure it was a large load. Unlike the other men and unusual for me, I was rather quiet while I came. With Jen’s warm body and supple tits pressed against me, I felt rather content and relaxed while I was cumming. I thoroughly enjoyed the after shocks of continued sex after orgasm too.

While Jen continued to gently massage my cock with her pussy she asked, “So are you still mad at me?”

“Yes,” I said with a staggered voice.

Jen went on, “But you really seemed to like it?”

I gained some composure in my voice and explained, “Yes it was an incredible turn on, but I still feel betrayed. You owe me an apology, an explanation and some payback.”

Jen immediately jumped to the floor leaving my half flaccid cock swaying in the cool air. She knelt down and folded her hands into one another as if she were praying. “John PLEASE, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgive me! I love you so much John, you have no idea!”

I butted in, “Then why would you do this?”

Jen was silent for a moment just starring me in the eyes. I could tell she was unsure of how to explain herself.

With a soft encouraging demeanor I said, “Just be honest. Anything you say now isn’t going to make it any worse, besides there’s a part of me that liked it.”

Jen hesitantly began to explain, “Well John, you have always been so good to me and so nice. You have also been a great lover; always making sure I am treated like a queen, you always put me first when it comes to sex or anything for that matter, and you know how to make me feel loved and adored. I love that, it’s just… Well, once in a while I like it dirty and rough. I suppose I just like to be treated like a slut every so often. I also think the excitement of cheating on you was a factor too.”

I asked, “Have you ever cheated before?”

Jen lowered her eyes away from mine and nodded.

I asked a barrage of questions, “How many times? Was it with those guys? How many different guys? When did this start? Why do you like…”

Jen interrupted me, “I’ve been doing it since we started dating in college. I rarely go back to the same guys more than twice because I don’t want them or me to get too attached. There is something else you need to know, but you have to promise to keep it secret.”

I nodded and she continued, “My father sexually molested me as I was growing up. I’m certain that’s why I am the way I am.”

I was stunned and my mouth gapped open. I reached down to hug Jen and she eagerly accepted. We hugged on the floor in silence for a few minutes, and when we heard Roy and Dave leave in their loud car Jen and I stood.

I asked, “Maybe you should see a therapist or try to get help?”

Jen was adamant, “NO! I don’t want my father to go to jail!”

I questioned her further, “So then you’re just going to keep doing what you are doing aren’t you?

Tears began to well up in Jens big beautiful blue eyes as she said, “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I’ll understand if you want to divorce me?”

I reassured her, “No honey, I think I can live with it.”

“It’s not going to stop,” she warned.

“I know. Like I said, I think I can live with it.”

Jen smiled and we went to clean ourselves up.

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