3. In Nancy’s Room
When we got to the door of Nancy’s room (in truth, our room, but the guys didn’t know that), she asked us to wait a minute while she did “some quick picking up” inside. She said she didn’t want us to see any mess she might have left before she went uptown earlier.
Actually, I suspected, she wanted to hide any personal items belonging to me that I might’ve overlooked.
A few seconds later, she opened the door and invited us in. Her new friends filed in ahead of me as Nancy retreated to the bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the television set (for background noise I guess), as the guys sat down to wait for my wife. Wayne and Rich sat down on one of the beds and Danny relaxed in a comfortable recliner. I paced around the room with the camera thinking of possible poses.
We listened to the toilet flushing, then water running in the basin. A few minutes later, Nancy emerged from the bathroom. She looked stunning, almost like a goddess. She’d combed her hair and redone her make-up; best of all, she’d unbuttoned her blouse even lower so that her breasts would be exposed with nearly every move she made.
“Does this make me look a little more like a bad girl?” she asked, thrusting out her chest.
“You look good enough to eat!” exclaimed Wayne. Rich groaned and said, “Damn, you really look good, girl!” Danny just stared at her in silence.
Nancy looked around at us and shrugged. “Well, anybody have any ideas for photos that would really get to my darling cheating husband? Remember, I’m up for almost anything short of actual sex. Just because he went all the way with several whores at work doesn’t mean I’m willing to.”
“Let’s get a shot of you sitting in Danny’s lap in the recliner,” I suggested. “I bet he’d enjoy that. I mean Danny, not your husband.”
Danny laughed nervously behind his beard. “Sure. But my wife better not see the picture.” His speech was quite slurred.
Nancy walked over to him and after a warning (“Look out. Here I come!”), let herself tumble backwards over the right arm of the chair (from my angle, viewing the recliner straight on) so that she ended up were her lovely butt on his lap and her bare legs sticking over the side. Most of her upper body lay against the left arm of the chair trapping Danny’s right arm beneath it.
Then, reaching up to place her left arm around Danny’s neck, she smiled and rolled her upper body toward the camera, which I’d aimed at them while kneeling on the floor a few feet in front of them. I noticed – we all noticed – that as she’d turned her upper body toward us her blouse had fallen completely open.
Her right breast, its pretty light-pink nipple fully erect, was fully on display. I quickly snapped a photo. Then another.
“Oh my God,” said Rich, “that’s a really beautiful tit!” Danny leaned his neck forward to see what the young surfer-looking guy was referring to.
Nancy, playing dumb or maybe drunk, pretended to be slow on the uptake. Seeing where Rich was looking, she used her right hand to pull the mostly unbuttoned blouse up so it again covered the exposed breast.
“Come on, Nancy!” I exclaimed. “Let’s give your husband something to look at. It doesn’t matter if we see your tits. We’ve all seen tits before.”
She looked at me for a second before releasing her grip on her blouse so that it again fell open. She smiled at me as I took another shot of her deliberately exposing her right breast to us while sitting in Danny’s lap. Danny, meanwhile, looked more and more uncomfortable. Maybe he needed to take a piss.
“Let’s see the other one now,” said Wayne.
“Yeh, let’s see the other one,” echoed Rich.
I said, “Maybe, Danny, you can open her blouse for her. Would that be OK with you, Nancy?”
Instead of answering, Nancy whispered something to Danny. After some hesitation, having apparently gotten her consent, Danny used his left hand to slowly lift the part of her blouse that covered her left breast. Soon both pink-tipped breasts were on display. He was very careful not to touch either of them.
Wayne whistled his approval. Rich made a sort of guttural noise.
I, meanwhile, had walked over to the side of the recliner over which Nancy’s legs extended. From this perspective I had a different view of her naked breasts and Danny’s eyes feasting on them. Better yet, I had a perfect shot between my wife’s legs all the way down to her crotch.
Seeing what I was interested in shooting, my wonderful wife greatly improved my view by planting her left foot on the arm of the recliner so that her left knee pointed straight up to the ceiling. Since she’d left her right leg dangling over the side, I could clearly see, and photograph, the wonderful state of affairs between her legs.
While she was in the bathroom she must have loosened and slightly twisted the tiny white panel of her g-string panties. For now, especially in the rather extreme pose she’d assumed, the panel only covered about half of her cunt. One side of her cunt, and most of the pubic hair above and to the side of it, were more or less fully on display. The other side of her cunt was only loosely covered by the panel.
I took five or six shots of this wonderful spectacle.
But I wasn’t the only one treated to it. Unnoticed by me, Wayne had stood up and was standing immediately behind me.
“Holy shit!” he exclaimed. “That’s something you don’t see everyday.”
Wayne’s comment, or maybe the discomfort of the pose, caused her to lower her left knee so that both of her legs again rested on the side of the recliner. Her legs were still spread far enough apart, though, to provide an only slightly less obscene view. One pink cunt lip was still clearly in view.
Meanwhile, Nancy must have whispered more encouragement to Danny because he began taking further liberties. With his left hand, he was suddenly manipulating first one of my wife’s naked breasts then the other. She looked up at me, and Wayne standing behind me, and said (rather breathlessly), “My husband is going to really hate these shots. Imagine! His sweet wife allowing a strange bearded man to play with her tits!”
I managed to get several low-angle shots showing both Nancy’s partially exposed cunt and a strange male hand squeezing and caressing her naked breasts.
“Can I have a turn now?” asked Rich, who had stood up and was standing just in front of the recliner. “I’ll definitely volunteer to be photographed playing with those tits.”
Nancy literally jumped at the offer. Springing up from the recliner and pulling her blouse closed (but still unbuttoned) over her breasts, she said, “You know, I’m not just a pair of tits. [Wayne said, “Amen.”] Maybe you can get some shots of Rich and me making out on a bed. I think that would qualify as a compromising situation.”
Trying not to sound too enthusiastic, I said, “Sure.”
This was starting to get really good! Some shots of Rich, the best-looking of the three guys, necking with my wife on a bed would really “get to” her imaginary husband (supposedly making him jealous or angry) and her real husband (me). But in different ways, of course. Taking the photos and looking at them later wouldn’t make me at all angry. I’d feel jealous, of course, but only in the delicious way (that is, mixed with a dollop of shame and immeasurable lust) I always experienced while watching Nancy in action with other guys.
Rich took Nancy by the hand and led her over to the queen-sized bed farthest from the door. I followed them over with the camera. Rich sat her down on the side of the bed and quickly pulled off his muscle shirt. He was a short man (maybe 5′ 9″), but he was well-muscled and had a deep tan.
Still standing next to the bed, he removed his shoes so that he was soon wearing only his jeans and a pair of white socks. To make room for him, Nancy kicked off her sandals, crawled across the bed, and lay back with her head on a pillow and her knees drawn up.
Rich threw himself down on the bed next to my wife and immediately rolled his body toward her. She lowered her knees and lay flat on her back as, supporting the weight of his upper body on his right elbow, he leaned down and began kissing her.
The kissing gradually became more intense. Nancy reached up and placed both of her hands behind Rich’s neck. He threw his left leg over hers. Nancy began making little groans, little pleasure sounds. Kissing always turns her on.
At first, I wasn’t sure what the best shooting angle might be. After experimenting for almost a minute with different perspectives, I finally climbed up on the bed on the opposite side of Nancy and took some nice close-up shots of their kissing. It pained me a little to see how responsive she was to this guy whom she’d just met.
Then, breaking the kiss, Rich used his left hand to pull Nancy’s blouse apart and again expose her right breast. My cock beginning to stiffen in my pants, I watched him slide his well-tanned left hand over my wife’s pale breast and begin manipulating it. I took three or four photos of him squeezing her breast as he resumed kissing her.
Then he lowered his head down to her exposed breast and began gently sucking its beautiful pink nipple. Nancy groaned and whispered, “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Suck it gently like that. Oh, yes.”
Crouching next to them on the bed taking photo after photo, I realized that my cock was now fully erect in my pants. But I wasn’t the only one getting a hard-on. I got a shot of Rich’s cock pressing against the crotch of his jeans.
After almost a full minute of having her right nipple sucked, Nancy exclaimed, “Ow! Not so hard, Rich. That hurt!”
Looking down at my wife’s elongated saliva-covered nipple, he raised himself up and apologized. This broke the previous mood, so I thought it might be a good time to try something different. I suggested another pose for them.
“Maybe you can lie down on your back, Rich, and let her climb on top of you. Is that OK with you, Nancy?” I was falling into the role of photo-shoot director.
“How about if she gets on top of me instead,” suggested Wayne.
“Wait your turn,” said Rich. “You’ve got a steady girl-friend. I don’t.”
Then Nancy surprised and delighted all of us by reaching down to Rich’s crotch and giving his cock a little squeeze. “Rich,” she said, “I think you’d be more comfortable if you got out of those jeans. I’ll tell you what. If you get down to your underpants I’ll get down to mine, OK?”
Obviously, she wasn’t terribly upset with Rich for having sucked her nipple too hard.
“If you don’t mind, Nancy, I think I’ll take my trousers off, too,” I said. “I’ve got the same problem he has.”
“That goes for me, too,” said Wayne, undoing his belt.
So Rich, Wayne, and I struggled out of our pants until we stood (self-consciously) in our briefs. Rich and I had full erections in our briefs. Wayne had what looked like the beginnings of one. Wayne then turned to Danny, who was standing a few feet away from us where he’d been watching Rich and my wife on the bed, and asked him if he wanted to strip down to his briefs, too.
“I don’t think so,” muttered Danny. “Maybe later.”
Nancy, meanwhile, was making good on her promise. Sitting up on the bed, she undid the last button on her blouse, pulled her arms out of it, and threw it on the floor. Then, after unzipping the side of her short skirt, she lay back, lifted her virtually naked butt off the bed, and pulled the skirt down over her feet.
We all stood around the bed watching Nancy undress down to her practically nonexistent panties. It occurred to me that this moment, the center of attention of four males (three of them obviously aroused) that this was what she especially enjoyed about our sex games. As she told me earlier, being the center of male attention appealed strongly to her vanity.
Then, wearing only her g-string panties (with its little white panel still off-center and loose enough to expose one of her cunt lips), Nancy lay back on the bed and smiled up at us. Wearing her panties this way, my wife might as well have been totally naked. Those panties were the worst pretext for marginal decency I’d ever seen.
Coyly placing her hands over her breasts, she said to Rich, “If you’ll lie down on your back, maybe Cal can get a shot or two of me on top of you. Would you like that?”
Adjusting his erection in his briefs, Rich quickly lay down on his back next to her. She immediately rolled over on top of him and, planting a knee on either side of his belly, leaned forward over him. Standing at the side of the bed, near the head of it, I took several shots of my wife’s smallish breasts dangling tantalizingly just above Rich’s very appreciative eyes.
Then, ever so slowly, Nancy lowered her left breast until its nipple was barely an inch above his mouth. “Would you like to kiss it?” she asked.
By way of an answer, Rich put his right arm around Nancy’s back and muscled her down so that her whole left breast made contact with his lips. Raising his head, he quickly sucked its nipple into his mouth. I got a nice shot of her whole nipple and much of her breast disappearing into his mouth. She gasped as he did this. Finally, after five or ten seconds of this breast-sucking and despite the force Rich was using to force her upper body downward, Nancy managed to pull her breast free of his mouth.
“That’s sucking not kissing!” she complained in mock-seriousness.
Then, in a definite non sequitur, she slid her body down Rich’s until she lay with her upper body fully on top of him and her legs spread to either side of his. She began kissing him again.
They necked like this for almost a minute. Rich’s well-tanned body under my wife’s rather pale body was an interesting aesthetic contrast, and I took several longer shots to exploit it. I also noticed, watching them kiss, that Rich had begun thrusting his pelvis up against Nancy’s crotch. Each time he did this, Nancy made a little whimpering sound of pleasure, so I knew his stiff cock under his briefs was making contact with her cunt.
I walked to the foot of the bed and immediately understood why Wayne and Danny had been standing there watching so intently as I photographed the above-the-waist action. They’d obviously been enjoying my wife’s virtually naked ass as she knelt forward just minutes ago to let Rich suck her nipple. Half-wearing those g-string panties the way she was, spreading her legs spread, and raising her ass in the air, she must have given them quite a show.
I’d missed it, unfortunately. But all was not lost. Kneeling down at the foot of the bed just in front of Wayne and Danny, I was soon able to take a number of very horny photos. The photos, which I took over a period of about five minutes, were of Rich pushing his hard cock, compressed against his belly inside his briefs, against Nancy’s crotch as she ground her half-covered cunt down against the cock and rode it back and forth. They were no longer kissing. She now had her head resting on his left shoulder and was making louder and louder moaning sounds.
She was obviously getting carried away and began repeating horny little things like: “Oh, God! That feels so good. Oh, yes, like that!”
Getting back into director mode, I said, “I’m getting some pretty compromising photos, Nancy. But I think Wayne and I deserve a turn on the bed, don’t you?”
She stopped moaning and said, “OK, but I’m really enjoying this dry humping. I never knew it could feel so good.”
“You know what would feel even better, don’t you?” asked Rich.
Nancy gave a little laugh and answered him: “There’s not going to be any fucking tonight. But I want to thank you for making me feel so good.”
She quickly rolled herself off Rich’s body and knelt down over his cock. Cupping his balls in her right hand, she quickly delivered a little kiss to the waistband of his briefs where, I noticed, the swollen head of his cock protruded. I wasn’t ready with my camera so missed the shot.
“Could you do that again, please?” I asked her.
“Oh, God, yes,” said Rich, who, with a quick motion lowered his briefs so that most of his erection was liberated. The crown of it now rose about an inch up from his belly. It wasn’t especially large, I noticed. Not as large as mine, certainly.
She waited for me to aim the camera then slowly brought her mouth down to Rich’s cock. Again cupping his balls through his briefs, she leaned down, pushed her hair out of her face so I’d get a clear shot, and licked the shaft of his cock from near its base to its head. Then she lifted her head up slightly and licked it again, this time starting at the head of it and ending near its base.
“Very good. Very good photos,” I said as I snapped several shots. “Your husband will really hate them.” I was using my fake-enthusiasm voice. Actually, as I took these photos of my wife licking another man’s cock, a wave of jealousy and nausea briefly overtook me.
She then sat up, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and smiled at me like a child proud of having mastered a difficult math problem. The sight of her squatting on the bed, with those teen-ager breasts of hers jutting forward, caused my negative feelings to dissipate and be replaced by a strong desire to fuck this wonderful creature until she screamed.
Maybe it was this sudden seeing of my darling wife as a sex-object that caused me to set down the camera and strip off my briefs. “I don’t see any point in being bound up in these,” I announced. Wayne, standing next to me, quickly did the same thing. I noticed that Danny, standing a few feet behind us, was trying to be inconspicuous as he rubbed his cock through his trousers.
Older than the rest of us, he seemed reluctant to join us in getting naked.
Wayne, wearing only a t-shirt, then crawled up on the bed next to Nancy and Rich. His cock, I noticed, was quite a bit longer than Rich’s and mine. It was oddly thin, though, and hooked upward.
Rich, who’d also removed his briefs by now, sat up and was on his knees next to Nancy. In fact, all three of them were on their knees, the guys on either side of her and sort of aimlessly mauling her virtually naked body.
“Wait a minute,” I said. “Let’s pose some shots of you three together. Try to be creative.”
And they were. Over the next twenty minutes, there was a lot of giggling and laughing as Nancy and the two guys struck a number of poses, some more erotic than others. Standing at the foot of the bed with my hard cock bobbing in front of me, I took maybe thirty shots, some of which I later deleted.
The poses became more and more intimate as the three of them became more comfortable with each other. Among my favorites were:
(1) Nancy lying on her back as Wayne licked her left nipple and Rich rubbed his hard cock against her right nipple.
(2) Nancy smiling into the camera and gripping an erection in each hand as Rich and Wayne both reached down and touched her cunt. Wayne seemed to have his index finger inside her.
(3) Three rear-view shots of Nancy on her knees and leaning forward with her head on Wayne’s belly as she masturbated him with her right hand. Meanwhile, Rich, grinning like a fool, spread her ass cheeks apart for the camera. He had just pulled her g-string panties off so that her cunt and asshole were fully exposed. One of the shots was a close-up centering on my wife’s asshole, showing Rich’s thumbs on either side of it pulling it open.
(4) Three sideways views of Nancy on her back with Rich straddling her upper body and pressing the end of his cock against her mouth. Her legs were spread and her knees were drawn up as Wayne, kneeling down at the side of bed, leaned in between her legs with his face buried in her crotch.
I remember that it wasn’t long after I took the last of these cunnilingus photos that Nancy began building up to a loud and lengthy orgasm. Actually, it came on quickly and seemed to surprise and somehow annoy her. In the last photo I took of her, she was looking straight into the camera with her eyes wide open (and Rich’s hard cock pressed against her cheek) with an almost angry expression on her face.