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Anneka prided herself on being a good wife. Since the moment they married she knew her husband would never want for anything. Together they experience complete happiness, satisfaction and love beyond what either of them felt possible. Their marriage stemmed from a whirlwind courtship that followed the mythical Love at First Sight, something she never believed existed until she met Henry. Since then she has strived to keep him happy in every way possible. She bathed him regularly, as enjoyable for her as it was for him. She took massage classes on her free time to soothe her husband after long days at work. But her real talent, her true passion, was the skill with which she sucked her husband nightly.

It was a beautiful event they shared. Nightly she would prove her love and devotion of the man she married while he exalted in the physical pleasure and the adoration of the amazing woman he took as his wife. She felt she had a close bond with her husband’s cock, closer than even he had with it. It provided her with some of her greatest memories and was always there to comfort and please her when she needed it. Some days she would merely come home, take her husband into her mouth and her problems would fade away. It provided her with relief should could find no place else. Sucking him was the most intimate, most loving thing she could do for him. In the few years of their marriage he found her to be an expert fellatrix. She was an amazingly gifted lover that never failed to please him but he knew, with his cock in her mouth, she could work magic beyond any woman.

In fact it was an early Saturday morning when she first heard the moving truck next door. Lee was asleep and, as was his custom, his erection waited impatiently for the rest of his body to awaken. The tenting of the sheet brought her attention to its plight and, without a sound, she drew back the material to greet her dear friend. She leaned above him, careful not to awaken him and placed a soft, chaste kiss on the tip of his organ. Her hand wrapped around his shaft, not touching him but barely caressing it with the inside of her palm. Her tongue stretched out and lazily licked around the rim then slowly took it in her mouth.

He tasted delicious. Each time she sucked him reminded her how delicious he tasted. It seemed so difficult to pry her mouth from him each night, sometimes he even had to beg her. Soft sounds of approval came from deep in her throat and his member filled her mouth. She was like a starving woman before a gourmet feast. Her mouth salivated in excitement, helping her to take more of him deep insider her and down her throat. He rustled in his slumber and she caught herself, returning from bliss of his cock in her to slow her pace and not wake him.

She drew the length of him up and out of her gradually and released him with a tiny *pop*. Pouting her lips, she pressed them against the firm tip of his cockhead and allowed barely the tip inside her. As she playfully licked and teased his tiny slit with her tongue one hand reached beneath his splayed legs to cradle his balls while the other played down the shaft with the utmost care. Fingers gently stroking the shaft, she used her first two fingers and thumb to stroke the very bottom of his shaft just above the balls. Her she found the inner beginnings of his shaft, hidden away within him and rubbed in tiny circles using only the slightest pressure.

She’d learned this technique from the sex tricks page of a woman’s website and though she’d never used it on him when he was aware of it, she found it always roused him from his sleep in the best of moods. This time was no different. With tired eyes he looked down at his wife, now nothing more than a mass of auburn hair draped across his naked crotch. As he reached down the part it her eyes sparkling, almost smiling, greeted him.

Taking her mouth off him for a moment, Anneka mouthed “Good morning, lover.”

Unable to respond (were his vocal cords the last to awaken?), he could only moan his greeting. They had made love into the early hours of the morning and despite the talented tongue of his wife and all that came with it, his body was tired and he doubted he could stand another session without at least a little more rest.

She had already returned his cock to its proper place in her mouth and resumed her oral ministrations, this time at a more urgent pace following his rising. She was impossible to deny and he surrendered to her. She knew him perfectly and her mouth shadowed everything his cock needed. It gently traced his most sensitive spots, cuddled others and greedily sucked the tip until he almost teared from the heat that burned there.

Her hands gently rolling one swelling ball against the others, the tips of her fingers pressing gently up and down his shaft, the irresistible sensation of her mouth drawing his essence from him, he couldn’t resist. His orgasm began in him, starting in his thighs and slowly making its way to his scrotum where it blazed. It reached his shaft where it would begin its journey upwards, his wife slathered wetness on his organ, humming happily, it was too much. His mouth opened and he began to cry out, uncaring and deeply satisfied…

A loud crash came from outside the window, shaking the panes and jolting them from their sexplay. His climax stalled within him and he slowly shook his head and brought himself back to reality. Anneka was on her feet by then and looked out the window. He joined her, tearing her attention away for a moment as she gazed on his freshly woken nude body.

A moving truck was fuming smoke and leaking transmission fluid after driving headlong into the giant oak that split their property from the neighboring one, a large colonial that until this morning had remained empty since they moved in two years ago.

“Well isn’t that a surprise. The neighbors are home.” She said, turning to grab her robe. “I think we should do the neighborly thing and say hello.”

He looked down sadly at his disappointed member. A bead of needless come appeared at the end.

“You just get yourself cleaned up and I’ll deal with you.” She pointed between his legs, “later.”

Despite their questionable driving skills, the new neighbors turned out to be a fine couple. Recently married, this was their first place together and the brimming excitement was obvious. He was a year her senior, she being only twenty. They had met in college and married two years later.

Jeremy, the husband, shared many common interests. They both took time out of their schedules to attend the gym and had a mutual interest in martial arts movies. Anneka and Janet sat in the kitchen drinking coffee while their husbands socialized in the living room. Janet must have apologized for the oak almost a dozen times and Anneka reassured her that it wasn’t an issue. Accidents will happen and she is just thankful that no one was hurt.

They ended up spending the day together and, forgetting about the play his wife had promised earlier, Ron invited the newlyweds to their home for a barbecue. The two men were fast becoming friends while the wives were learning even more about each other.

Janet was a trusting woman and, sensing the helpful nature of her new neighbor, she began to relate some of her concerns with her. Perhaps if she got some advice from a woman that has been married for some time, she could find a solution to her worries. Sipping a glass of Anneka’s homemade lemonade she blurted it out before she had a chance to reconsider.

“I’m a virgin.”

Anneka turns from watching the men from the window. “A virgin?”

She nodded.

“But you’ve been married for…”

“…a month.” Janet finished.

“How did you?”

“It wasn’t easy,” the younger woman grinned.

Pressing her further, she asked how her husband could not know. How did she keep him happy?

“Oh, he knows, believe me. He’s one too. We were both brought up that way.” Sipping the drink, she continued. “We’re not prudes at all, far from it. We just didn’t want anything else.”

Sitting down across from her, the older woman placed a reassuring hand on hers. “So what’s the problem?”

“I’m just worried I won’t be good enough for him. I really haven’t had much experience- none, really- and I want him to be happy. I really do. He’s my husband and I love him.”

She considered this, and questioned; “What about him? He’s a virgin too, right? How does he keep you happy?”

“He has three older brothers.” The two women laughed simultaneously. “I, however, am an only child.”

As if on cue the men entered the kitchen, carrying two platters of steaming beef, chicken and hot dogs. Placing them between the women, everyone took their places and, stomachs rumbling, dug in.

After a fulfilling bout of lovemaking Anneka rolled on her side to face her husband. Watching him breathe deeply for a moment, she told him of the conversation she shared with their neighbor in the kitchen. Having long been aware of his wife’s openness about her sexuality and her compassionate nature, this didn’t surprise him. However, short of inviting the couple over for an instructional four- way, something neither of them had the desire for, he had no answer. In jest he suggested she demonstrate her superb oral techniques for the woman. “Though if you do that, Jeremy will never want to have sex. He’ll be content to just lay back and let his wife suck him.”

“Sounds like someone I know,” She winked.

“Wish I could meet him. He sounds like a lucky guy.”

She sat up on her haunches, holding the pillow above him as if to smother him.

He added quickly, “That’s a good idea! Why not demonstrate how you do it. Get a banana or something like they did in that movie…”

“Fast Times at Ridgemont High?” she volunteered.

“Was that it? Yeah….that’s a good idea.”

“Honey, I hardly think a carrot is a suitable substitute,” she added, appearing insulted. “Besides, I think I have something more substantial in mind.” With that she wrapped her hand around his shaft possessively. Together they looked into each other’s eyes, silently understanding each other.

The next day the neighbors, not having unpacked enough to make their home livable, were invited over to share dinner. Earlier that day the wives had finished the discussion they weren’t able to during the barbecue. Anneka, having had a lot of experience before settling down for marriage, assured Janet that her obstacle could be easily overcome. Though Jeremy was surprised when his wife brought up her concerns at the meal, he was quieted with a gentle squeeze of his thigh. He trusted his wife, and loved her more than he ever thought he could.

Anneka was helpful and understanding, putting them both at ease. Sex, especially between a newly married couple is very important and not something to neglect. She explained that it takes time and effort to truly understand what the other person needs. Two people so close as they are won’t have any trouble reading each other’s needs and they shouldn’t concern themselves with the inevitable mistakes they will make their first times together, as that’s what keeps their lovemaking personal and intimate. Then, holding Janet’s eyes with her own, Anneka explained that there are certain things that are best learned from others that can help them as they begin. Janet nodded almost imperceptibly, thanking her for perfectly rehearsing the lines they agreed upon.

Jeremy grew more nervous and tried to excuse himself and his wife, unaware of his spouse’s cooperation in the evening. She stood and, holding his hand clasped in hers, agreed with Anneka and suggested that they could use a few pointers. They needed the help and when someone as knowledgeable as their neighbor offers it, it’s a good idea if they listen. He studied the eyes of his wife, searching for any doubt, but saw only her imploring him to go along with the suggestion. Sighing, he relented.

Taking Ron by the elbow, she escorted him to the bedroom, inviting them to follow. As they entered Janet reclined on their bed, already comfortable in their new friend’s home, while her husband seated himself rigidly in the rocking chair by the window. Anneka stood facing the couple while he husband waiting patiently behind her.

“As we’ve told you,” she began. “Ron and I haven’t been married that long, only four and a half years but we’re very attuned to what the other wants at any given time. We can read each other perfectly and our sex life is very active and never anything short of outstanding.” Though he was used to his wife talking openly in such a way, Ron wasn’t sure if it was the best time to discuss such a topic in front of their newfound friends but his wife only shushed him when he tried to speak. Clearing her throat she continued; “That didn’t come overnight. We had been active since before our marriage though we never hit our stride until after our honeymoon.”

This surprised her husband, who remembered their week in the South of France as a week of almost continuous sex, interrupted only recuperations on beautiful beaches and dining on exquisite French culinary fares. “One thing I learned, she explained, rousing him from the pleasant memories, “is that both people have to do all they can to make the other person happy, even if it means forgoing your own pleasure.” At this she looked to her husband behind her. “Fortunately I was lucky, because the one thing my husband enjoys most is the thing I love more than anything.”

Jeremy and Janet looked at each other. Seeing their uncertainty, Anneka asked him point blank, “Jeremy, have you ever had your cock sucked?” Puffing up as if insulted, then catching himself, he admitted that no, he had not.

“It’s something every man should experience and often. Every woman should know her husband’s cock better than he does himself. She should cultivate an intimacy with it beyond her and her husband. After all, its what’s bringing him the most pleasure for the rest of her life, it’s something that she should really learn to love as well, right?” They both nodded unconsciously, wondering where this was headed.

She turned to face her husband’s side and stroked the side of his neck with her lips as she massaged his crotch in slow circles. His wife had an exhibitionist streak about her but even Ron was surprised at this. It felt wonderful, and she did know just what he liked so he gave himself to her to do as she pleased. “Trust me,” she whispered silently in his ear. “I know what’s best, just follow my lead.”

He swallowed patiently, closing his eyes. Janet watched with wide eyes as her

neighbor fell to her knees, softly nuzzling and kissing her man’s crotch through the material. She seemed instantly happy and Janet wondered if she would feel that way when it was her time. With a practiced movement, Anneka unclasped her husbands pants and dropped them to his knees. His cock bulged through his boxer briefs and, just as she had done hundreds of times before, she adored it.

She so loved its size, shape, how quickly it swelled for her, and she couldn’t be happier to share the feeling with another woman. She played with him as her warm hands slid beneath his waistband. She bared him slowly, revealing him to her neighbors with a slow tug of his underwear. He seemed to forget the audience, as he stood erect and throbbing before his kneeling wife. Stepping out of his clothes, he spread his legs father, allowing her greater access.

With one hand on his sack and a thumb gently caressing in tiny circles, she addressed the two behind her, “Learn to appreciate your husband’s cock. It’s the basis of his pleasure and what causes yours. Even when you’re not making love, I find it necessary to stroke or kiss it when he’s not expecting.” With a kiss to his balls she continued, “Try it when he’s watching tv or finishing up his dinner, it will make for a very happy husband, believe me.”

One look at Ron showed this was true. A slight smile had formed on his lips and his muscled chest flexed slowly, containing the expectant pleasure he was facing. With a deep kiss on his cockhead she added, “Oral sex shows him how much you love him. It reminds him what a giving lover you are, as well as awakens the lover in him. He associates you with the greatest feeling a man can have. When he thinks of you, his wife, he remembers how good you make him feel. He remembers how he moaned when his cock slid in and out of your mouth. He remembers the feelings of releasing in your mouth, a powerful memory for a man.”

Janet moved to sit on the end of their bed to get a better look. He did have a beautiful penis. It moved in tandem with the strokes of his wife, as if they worked together. Its head was full and perfectly rounded, coming at the end of a thick shaft. He was larger than her husband, but not uncomfortably so. Janet felt herself dampen as she watched the spectacle in front of her and noticed Ron reacting with each slight touch of his wife’s hands. Smiling at her new friend, Anneka angled her husband’s genitalia toward her and slid back his skin, revealing the crown of her lover.

“See how aroused he is, notice how sensitive her gets on his head,” she said, gliding her index finger along his crown. “For a man, this is his clit. It’s extremely sensitive, especially when aroused, and must be treated with as much caution as you want on yours.” Janet nodded, her mouth open but speechless.

Anneka squeezed and stroked her man’s cock, looking up at him. His head was back, his mouth slightly open. She was drawn to his taste and kissed his inner thighs, gently biting him. His scent filled her and caused her nipples to harden. No longer facing her friend she began licking and kissing her husband’s balls. The Kissing turned deeper and soon she began mouthing his balls, rolling one, then the other between her lips.

“Always remember to give lots of attention to his balls. They’re very sensitive so you always be careful. Use only your tongue and lips. Men have an innate fear of being bitten there so make sure to never touch them with your teeth or it will throw him off. A lot of guys have difficult concentrating and enjoying themselves after they feel their woman’s teeth on them.”

She paused to ply his sack with deep, broad strokes of her tongue. One hand continued to jack him slowly in her palm while the other squeezed the cheek of his ass. “You want him to last as long as he can. Don’t want to rush him to an orgasm. That’s easy to do. You must learn to slowly tease it out of him.” With this her hand milked his shaft ever more slowly.

“You should have him begging you to continue, make him plead with you to help him come.” Janet inched closer and closer to the couple, fascinated with the way she described pleasing her man and was hypnotized by the sight of her slowly playing with his cock. He was rendered silent by her actions, giving himself up to her touch. With the slightest motion she would cause his muscles to tighten or a look of exquisite pleasure to appear on his face. A moment later the look would turn to a pleading, as if he had lost all control. Her eyes were closed and she was mouthing his balls and humming slightly.

Turning to look at her friend, she continued. “After playing with his balls and teasing his head, he’s usually very sensitive. Now it’s a good time to take him in your mouth. He feels the warmth and his cockhead gets to cool down a little. Place your hand like this,” she cradled his balls so her hand pointed away from her, her finger stroking the bottom of his crack. “And your other hand like this,” she showed Janet how to stroke just under his shaft, where his balls and cock met. Her index finger curled beneath, finding the spot she was looking for.

“He’s very sensitive here, it’s a very tender area so don’t press hard- just barely touch. That’s all you need to do.” She demonstrated for the woman’s eyes. “Most men aren’t even aware of this spot on their body but it stimulates his orgasm and increases semen flow. It lengthens his peak, as well as enhances it.” She finished speaking and stroked his organ, bobbing her head in a rhythmic motion. As always happened when she pleased him, her pussy dampened until she felt a slight flow on her thighs.

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