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I was having a few of the guys over for a poker night that was to start in 20 minutes when Jim called to say he couldn’t make it. That left us with just three guys; Mike, John and myself. Not exactly enough for a decent evening of card playing. Kathy was going out to do some shopping and then would stop off at Mikes house and visit with Janice til Mike came home. When she heard of our predicament she volunteered to stay and round out the table.

The evening proceeded pretty much as normal for the first two hours. We had been keeping the drinks coming and as normal the topic of discussion was turning towards sex. At first the conversation was more innuendo and double meanings but as the guys began to realize that Kathy wasn’t offended and in fact would join in, the discussion became more explicit. Kathy was wearing jeans and a casual sweat shirt that, although not revealing, did not hide the fact that Kathy is a gorgeous natural blond, 5’2″, 125 lbs with 34C tits that had just a hint of sag with the nipples turning up. John made the comment that anything over a mouthful is a waste anyway. Kathy responded if that’s the case does it apply to men also. She was of the opinion that most guys would pretty much hit their girl’s cervix with a 6 to 7 incher, so any longer was a waste.

Mike asked John and I if we had ever measured ourselves. I have and figure, based on shower room comparison, that I’m about average at 7 inches. Mike claimed he was a shot over 8 inches. John hesitated and then said he was almost 11 inches. That caused a definite pause in the conversation. Mike is 6′,4″ and I’m 6′ even, but John is a slightly built 5′,9″ on his best day. Kathy looked at John, wet her lips and said it that she doubted him but she would have to see it to believe it. I’m sure nothing would have gone further if it hadn’t been for the fact that we had the beginnings of a good buzz. John stood up and dropped his pants and briefs. He wasn’t fully erect but was easily already 8 inches. Kathy said that she would get a ruler.

When she left the room, John tried to stroke himself to get it totally up but wasn’t having any luck. When Kathy came back in with the ruler she knelt in front of John. She took his cock in her hand and began stroking it. She also put the head up to her mouth and used here tongue to lick the pre-cum from the tip. John came up fast and hard. Kathy measured John and said that he was 10 and 7/8ths inches. Kathy said that if she pulled or sucked a little harder she bet he would hit 11 inches.

We all sat down and the conversation turned to how deep a woman’s vagina really is. Mike said he hit Janice’s cervix when he was totally buried in her and Kathy said she could feel me hitting the end when I was in her. Kathy told John he must be only half or three quarters in when hit the limit of most girls, and so what was left over was wasted. John told her that he had only met one girl that couldn’t take everything he had. Mike was the one that came up with the idea that if men were measured, why not measure women too. Mike asked if I had a smooth device we could use to measure Kathy? I said that I had a six cell metal flashlight that was smooth. I stood up and left the room to get it.

When I returned Kathy stood up, Mike reached over and unbuttoned her shorts. He pulled them and her panties down to her ankles. Kathy stepped out of them and stood there nude from the waist down while we discussed the best way to see how deep she really is. John was having a hard time keeping his eyes from her neatly shaved pussy. We finally decided that she should lay on her stomach on our heavy oak coffee table, with pillows under her to raise her ass and pussy to the best position.

Mike then instructed that he and I would insert index fingers of both hands into her pussy and stretch away from the center to open her hole into a sort of square shape. We inserted our fingers and Kathy moaned with pleasure. When we stretched her open she gasped. Her hole opened wide enough that by using the flashlight we got a very good look at her cervix with it’s “dome” and little closed slit at the top. It didn’t look very deep. John put the flashlight handle into her vagina gently til he hit bottom. We let her hole close up around the handle so her pussy lips were gripping the flashlight. I marked the flashlight with a felt tip marker and we pulled it out. The depth measured right at 6 and 3/4 inches.

John said that when girls are having sex, things must stretch even deeper because he again asserted that he rarely had a girl that couldn’t take his whole 11 inches. Mike looked at me and we both looked a Kathy still naked from the waist down and with her pussy so beautifully on display. I told John we thought he should try it. John looked a Kathy, she had her head turned back and was looking at the three of us. She nodded yes and John stepped between her legs. He put the big head of his cock right at her entrance and began to gently push in.

Kathy moaned again and said this certainly feels better that a flashlight. She pushed herself up with her arms and I reached under her and unbuttoned her blouse. Mike and I worked her blouse and bra off. As John continued to slowly push in and out working his way deeper each time, Mike and I caressed her tits and played with her nipples. After four or five minutes John was slapping his balls against her pussy and his pubic bone was hitting her ass. There was not doubt that he was fully in, all 11 inches. Suddenly John pushed as deep as he could. He panted “I’m cumming” and began pumping his cum deep in her pussy. It was clear that he filled her with quite a load.

When John pulled out he was rapidly shrinking and his cock was coated with a mixture of cum and pussy juices. I asked Mike if he wanted to see what it looked like now and he agreed we shouldn’t pass up this opportunity. We again put both of our index fingers in her hole and opened her up. John grabbed the flashlight and we could see cum coating the walls and pooling at the bottom of her vagina. I told the guys there was something I always wanted to try and ran to the kitchen. I came back with some sparkling cider and a box of straws. I had John take my place opening Kathy. As John and Mike held her open I poured sparking cider into her cum drenched pussy. I then stirred the resulting cocktail with a straw and leaving the straw in her told Mike and John to let her close.

By now Mike, John and I were out of our clothes too. Kathy was holding Mike and John’s cocks while on her stomach with her pussy and ass raised. I leaned down and took a sip from the straw coming out of her pussy. It was unbelievable. Mike and John both asked for a taste and before long there were two more straws jutting from Kathy’s upraised pussy. We emptied her pussy and Mike asked if her could make another cocktail for us. We thanked him and took the straws out of Kathy’s pussy. With a single stroke Mike pushed his cock to the bottom of Kathy’s vagina. It didn’t take more than two or three minutes and he was depositing the first ingredient. John and Mike held her open while I added the sparking cider and the straws.

We were finishing our second cocktail when Janice came into the room to check and see how the party was going. (Janice had recently had a baby but has worked hard to get her figure back. She worked out at the gym and was getting a real hardbody. Because she was breast feeding the baby her breasts are really spectacular with fantastic looking nipples, at least 36D’s.) She gasped at the sight of Kathy with her ass and pussy exposed with the straws sticking out between the lips. Janice asked what was going on. Mike told her we had found a new cocktail that was very tasty and she should try it. Janice joined us and now there were four straws in Kathy’s pussy. Kathy told Janice she was so happy that Janice had come over because she was wondering what one of these cocktails tasted like. Mike told his wife that it was only fair since Janice had tasted one from Kathy, Kathy should be allowed to taste one also.

Janice stood up and proceeded to take off her clothes. Mike and I helped, taking the opportunity to rub her boobs and check between her legs to see how wet she was. Kathy stood up and Janice took her place on the coffee table. Janice’s heart shaped ass and pouting pussy lips gave new energy to the three males around the table. I told Janice that it was my turn to make the cocktail and she said to go ahead. I pushed the head of my cock against her pussy and began to gently work my way in. Janice started to push back meeting my thrusts and forcing me in deeper with each push. Janice started to moan and soon I felt her pussy gripping my cock and almost milking the cum out of it. I couldn’t hold back and pushed as deep as I could and filled her with my cum.

Kathy and John opened Janice’s hole so I could pour the sparkling cider in. I stirred the mixture with one of the straws, but Mike grabbed his wife’s ass and shook it from side to side to help mix things up. I don’t know if it helped the mix but it sure made an attractive sight as her tits swung in time with her ass. Kathy, Mike, John and I each took one of the straws sticking out of Janice’s pussy and started to suck.

Kathy felt sorry for Janice that she couldn’t have a taste and to compensate was stroking Janice’s clit. Suddenly Janice began to cum, the liquid in her pussy was forced out of the four straws like four miniature geysers. For the next hour both Janice and Kathy made one more cocktail for us. Mike helped Kathy with her preparation and John made the deposit for Janice. When John did Janice we again carefully watched as he worked his way in. He ended up totally in Janice, she took his entire 11 inches. It was a good night, we found that a woman’s vagina will stretch to accommodate larger than average cocks and how to make a really fun cocktail. Kathy and Janice said that next time we have the poker night at either Mike’s or our house, they will make the drinks, if the guys will help with the ingredients.

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