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I’m waiting, watching, listening for the mailman. Oh where is he, where is my package?

I looked so long, through so many sites and catalogs. Wanting just the right toy to add to the toy box. I looked at my favorite toy stores, not finding what I really wanted. I have been planning this for a while. It has to be just the right one, the length, the feel, to bend the way I’ve dreamed.

Each day I wait with anticipation. My heart races. My excitement builds. Is that wetness I feel? Yes. I touch myself, then slip my fingers into my mouth. Yummy, it tastes so good. Day after day I build myself up, wanting it to arrive. Yet, not to come if I’m not home, not when the teenager may run to get the mail. Let me be home alone, with time to explore, to touch, to feel. I know I will hardly be able to contain my excitement.

What’s that I hear? Oh is it? Oh let it be! Yes, he’s here. Is he parking, is the package coming to my door? I go outside to met him. How could I wait?

“Hi, is that for me?” Like I don’t know.

“Yes,” he says, gruffly as always.

“Thank you. I’ve been waiting for this.” He has no clue just how eagerly I’ve been waiting. If the mailman had a hint of the things he brings me, he’d probably not be so grumpy.

I go into the house, get out the scissors and quickly cut the tape. “Slow down,” I tell myself. “Lots of time.” As I open the box and remove the wrapping paper, my breath is quick. I squirm about, feeling the tension, feeling the wetness in my panties. I open the inner package, mmm, I touch it lovingly with my fingertips. Yes, the texture is nice, firm yet giving. I want to taste it, lick it, suck it. I go into the bathroom, get the toy cleaner out, spray it, yes, warm the water. I seductively rub it. I stroke my hands up and down, all around. Oh, I close my eyes and explore the firmness, wondering how it will feel elsewhere, how it will taste, how you will like it. After a final rinse, I take a towel and caress it dry.

Beautiful, that’s what it is. I lick the head, then run my tongue down and around. I slip it between my waiting lips. Taking more of it, I roll my tongue around it as I stroke it, in and out of my mouth. It’s so long! I tilt my head to a better angle, so I can get more of it. I slide it deeper, until I feel it touching my throat. Relaxing, I push it in farther. I love the feel of cock in my throat. “Will you?” I wonder.

I set it down and remove my clothes, tossing them aside. I feel my body heat and smell the lovely aroma of wet pussy. Oh yes! I know what I need to do. I lay on the bed, rubbing our toy across my body. I lick the head, then lightly roll it around one breast, yes, then the other. My nipples harden as I place it between my breasts and squeeze them against it, slowly fucking my breasts.

I need more. Down my hand goes. I’m so wet. I need to taste my moistness, to smell it. I slip two fingers inside. I’m so hot, so wet. I bring them to my face and run them across my lips, being sure to leave some on my upper lip before I suck my fingers. I take our toy and stroke myself between my slit to get it wet. Feeling it’s hardness, I rub it between my pussy lips and across my clit. I tingle with excitement.

I wonder how much I should take, how far in I should go. There are fourteen inches of it, some for me, some for you. I slip it, oh so slowly, inside me while looking down. I want to see it go in. I need to see. Yes, it’s lovely. I test it. Will it bend as I want? Oh, it does! Beautiful! My plump outer lips are pressed to each side, like balls drawn up before a man cums.

I get up, holding it close. I need to see. I stand before the mirror. I have my own cock. I watch as I wrap my hand around the protruding shaft. That part that is for you, my lovely slut. I start to stroke it as if it were my flesh. My head reels. It feels as if it’s connected to my body. It’s a part of me. As I pump my cock, the sensations inside me are tremendous. Slow down or I’ll cum. I want to make it last.

I find a snug pair of panties. Holding my cock against my belly, I slip them on and look at myself. It’s so real. I can’t stop touching it. It feels like a real hard-on. I go to the closet and get the skirt I bought just for this, putting it on with a matching blouse.

Does it show? Do I want it to? I’m not sure. I walk into the hallway and look into the mirror. Only someone like me would notice. Each step I take feels wonderful as it rubs my clit and spreads my lips. It’s part of me.

Isn’t the water running outside? I have to move the hose. I’m so excited now. I go out back. It’s a beautiful day with a blue sky. It’s very warm and a heavy wind is blowing. Perfect! My skirt is light weight and full. The fabric is so thin, you can almost see through it. The wind blows at it. Oh, it feels good against my skin. As I walk across the yard, I can’t keep my hands from touching my hard cock pressed against my belly. It’s a part of me. Each step is full of sensation. Oh, it feels delightful. I stroke my cock as I bend over to retrieve the hose and walk it to another tree. Are my neighbors out? Will they see me?

I go back inside, grab a bottle of lubricant, lift my skirt and pull down my panties. I need to cum. I sit down. Each movement is pleasure. I squirm my ass on the couch. Yes, that’s nice! I lubricate my cock and stroke it up and down, slowly at first, watching myself jack off.

Oh, I love the sound. Is it my hand rubbing my cock or is it my wet cunt being rubbed by the other end of my cock, that I hear? It’s pressing against my g-spot and spreading my cunt lips, pushing them wider. The up and down motion excites my clit.

I reach up to my breasts and pull my palm firmly across my nipples. Mmm, that’s good! They get so hard and stand out over an inch, like little cocks waiting to sucked. I roll one between my fingers. Oh yes, nice! My other hand is pumping my rock hard cock. I wet my fingers and twist my nipples hard. This turns me on even more.

I imagine you being here, watching me. I see your pleading eyes, your waiting, wanting lips, your tongue touching your lips as you wait for me to order you down on your knees to suck my cock. I imagine grabbing your hair and telling my cock sucking slut to kiss it, to lick it. Yes, that’s so good, now lick the shaft, yes, lick down further, suck my pussy lip balls, suck them into your hot mouth. Oh, that feels so good! Open you hot mouth. I slide my cock into your hungry mouth.

This is what I want. I want to fuck your face, to watch you try to take more of it. You suck cock so well. You’re so eager to please. You want it, want it deeper in your cock sucking throat. I oblige you. You gag as I ram more of it into your hot mouth. I briefly pull back, then plunge it in again and again. Each motion of the cock sends waves of pleasure inside and outside my cunt. I won’t last long now. “Yes you little slut, suck me harder!” I scream at you. “Don’t stop, I’m going to cum!” I know I’m close. I let go of your hair, grab my breasts and squeeze. I rock my hips back and forth into your mouth. I twist a nipple in each hand, pinching, pressing as I wildly buck into your face. I scream with delight as my body quivers and shakes, over and over again. Waves of pleasure wash over me.

I can’t stand up any longer. I fall back onto the couch, still pumping the cock in and out, but going slower with each movement.

Wow! That was awesome! I slide the cock out. It’s so wet and slick. I move it to my lips, I smell it, oh so nice, as I slide it into my mouth and clean it, like I will have you do.

I can hardly wait to surprise you, out somewhere in my new outfit, wearing my new cock. I want to see the look on your face when I brush against you and you discover what’s in my panties, waiting to be used on you. We will have to sit through dinner knowing…

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