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It was early afternoon when I finally awoke from my sound sleep; Tony was not next to me. It wasn’t till I got up from bed that I realised how sore and aching my body was. My tits hurt, they felt very tender and my cunt felt… well, I wondered if this was how a woman felt after giving birth! I put on my dressing gown and hobbled downstairs. Tony was in the kitchen, he was preparing lunch – dear of him. “Hello sleepy head, I’ve been up for ages, you were dead to the world when I got up” He came over and kissed me on my forehead, “You looked so lovely lying there, asleep – I thought about waking you but, well… I guess you needed it, feel better now?” He asked “Yes love, a lot better thanks, I was pretty tired last night, I think I’ll have a cup of tea and then a nice long soak in the bath” I told him as I sat down. Tony poured me a cup of tea and bought it over to me, “I don’t know about you Pam but I was starving when I woke up, can I make you some toast or anything?”

“Probably all the energy you used up last night” I said smiling then added “Yes love, toast sounds good, I need to build my energy levels up again too I guess” Tony made the toast again bringing it over and sitting next to me. “Pam… later, after you’ve had your bath… can we sit and talk about last night, I know I had a great time and I would like to tell you all about it and then…

well, maybe you can fill me in on what you got up to” he quietly said. I reached out and took his hand in mine, “Of course we can talk darling, we don’t keep secrets from one another do we, I’ll tell you what, I’ll take my bath and then we can get some food and go for a drive out in the country, the fresh air will do us good. We’ll talk there – ok?” Tony smiled, “Sure Pam, that sounds nice… you go and have your bath, I’ll get things sorted – food wise that is” I lay back in the bath, the hot bubbly water right up to my chin, I went over in my mind what had taken place last night, Tony had a right to know what happened but how much should I tell him?

Me… quite truthfully I didn’t care what he had got up to, as long as he had a good time then, fine with me. As long as he still remained interested in our new found fun and didn’t want to stop me from seeing other men and Lisa I really didn’t care how many women he fucked! After a 30 minute soak I felt much better my body didn’t ache any more though my tits and cunt still felt a bit tender. I dressed in a summery button through dress and wore a pair of open sandals, underwear… No! No point, besides it was a nice feeling being braless and knickerless!

Tony drove us to a place we knew, fairly secluded, normally we had the place to ourselves but today there were a few other people ambling around. We found a quietish spot and relaxed in the warm sun, I lay with my head resting on Tony’s lap, moving my head I could feel him beginning to get aroused, I looked up to him. “Ok Tony, about last night… tell me all about it” I grinned. He went through everything in detail, how he and Tom fucked both girls, in their cunts, asses and mouths. He told me that later they were joined by Angie and her husband, “Did you fuck her too?” I asked, “I would have Pam… I wanted to, I tried but I just couldn’t get hard, she tried to suck me hard but after cumming twice so quick with Sally and Jill I just couldn’t, she wasn’t that bothered though, Tom gave her a good ‘seeing to’. I played around a bit and left them all to it and went back upstairs to wait for you, oh, before I left Angie asked if she and her husband could get together with us some time, I told her I’d check with you”

I was getting wet hearing about Tony’s evening, “Would you like to see them some time?” he asked. “Maybe love… you never know do you” I smiled. “So, your turn… I want you to tell me everything” he grinned. When I got to the part where Nathan turned up he said, “Christ Pam, I wish I had been there to see that, the guy was huge… how the fuck did you manage it? I went on and finished my account of my evening. “You know Pam, as much as I had a great night it would have been better if I had stayed with you, to be truthful watching you get fucked and maybe joining in is more of a turn on for me than anything else, I don’t really like the thought of us splitting up and going off with different partners. “

“I like watching you too love but sometimes it’s possible we might find ourselves separated… just remember one thing Tony, it’s always going to be just us – you and I who will be snuggling next to each other in bed each night, kissing each other goodnight, telling each other that we love each other, no matter what happens, never forget that!” We kissed each other passionately, “I won’t Pam, I love you” he told me. Later as we made our way home I told Tony what Lisa had said about having something important she wanted to discuss with me, “I’ll give her a call tonight” When I phoned her she wouldn’t tell me what she wanted, she was evasive and asked me to meet her for lunch on Monday inviting me to a very posh, exclusive restaurant. When I arrived she was waiting for me, we made small talk till I could not wait any longer, “Lisa… are you going to tell me why you wanted to meet?”

“Ok, I suppose I’ve held out long enough” she laughed. “Pam, it’s about the club… what would you say if I offered you a small interest in it. You know Frank manages it for me and he takes care of the day to day running, you know what my role is, I would like you to share that role with me… what do you say?” I was staggered by her offer; my face must have shown the surprise I was feeling. “I’m sorry Lisa, Tony and I have not got the sort of money to invest in such a venture, even if we did have I don’t think he would be very keen” Lisa smiled, “I’m not after your money Pam, ever since we first met I have grown very fond of you, I guess we are two of a kind… we both are looking for fun in life, the only difference between us is your love for Tony. I want to give you a part share in the club not sell it to you Pam!” It was a very generous offer, I thought about it briefly, “I’m sorry Lisa, I can’t give you an answer now… I’ll have to talk it over with Tony, you do understand don’t you”

“Of course I do Pam, have a chat with Tony, give me a call when you’ve decided” she smiled. “There’s one thing I need to know Lisa, what exactly would be my main role… I wouldn’t want to be another Sally or Jill, you know what I’m saying. I like to pick and choose the people I have fun with, I’m definitely not available to just anybody!”

“Of course not Pam, look… when I bought into the club I did so because I thought it would be fun! Recently though I started to get bored with it all, that is until I met you. We both want the same thing Pam – fun and a bit of excitement, together we could use the club as a way of achieving that, you saw me the other night, I flirt… tease and if I feel like it… yes, I might join in sometimes. If you decided to take up my offer there would be no pressure on you – none at all. You’d decide what you wanted to do, as much or as little as you wanted. Of course the flirting and teasing is part of the job, that’s the way we make money by keeping the guests happy, a happy guest spends money! Basically you would be expected to do the same things that I do” I was tempted to accept her offer there and then but I knew that I’d better talk it over with Tony, even if he didn’t like the idea I knew I’d be able to talk him around. I told Lisa I’d give her my answer tomorrow. That night when Tony arrived home I’d prepared myself, I was dressed in a very sexy revealing outfit, a nice dinner was ready, the table set, and romantic music quietly playing in the background.

I guess Tony realised I had something planned, when I told him of Lisa’s offer he reacted as I expected, to say he wasn’t keen on the idea would be an understatement. Using all my cunning and womanly ways I eventually talked him around and we both agreed I’d give it a try, the only condition he made was to accompany me whenever I went there. When I phoned Lisa and told her of our decision she was overjoyed with the news, she said she would pick us up Friday evening. Strangely when Friday arrived I wasn’t nervous at all, I was really looking forward to seeing Lisa and beginning my role as her assistant at the club. I wanted to make a good impression, I picked out a sexy black dress, it wasn’t too revealing though it was fairly low cut – enough to show a bit of cleavage!

My bra less nipples as normal jutted out through the thin material, black hold-ups and a black thong completed my outfit. Lisa looked stunning as normal; she complimented me on my dress. In the car on the way to the club she joked with Tony, “You realise that Pam and I will have to circulate and mix with the guests tonight don’t you Tony, you remember Jill I’m sure you do… well, tonight – if you don’t mind that is and so you won’t get bored, well… she’s agreed to look after you again. So it looks like you will have your hands full, ok with you?” When we arrived I had a quiet word with Tony, I told him to have fun and that I’d see him when the club closed, we kissed and I left him to join up with Lisa. She took me from couple to couple, group to group introducing me to the guests who were already there. I noticed Tony sitting with Jill and another couple, he seemed to be enjoying himself – ‘good’ I thought. Lisa left me for a while, feeling relaxed I mingled with the others, soon Lisa was back, taking my hand she said there was a couple she wanted to introduce me to.

They were probably both in their mid forties, she looked nice enough, her partner was a bit overweight, balding but again very pleasant, well mannered and educated. “Pam… this is Mary and her husband George, I’ve known them for quite some time, they wanted to meet you” she smiled. We politely shook hands, “I’ll leave you to get acquainted” Lisa said and left. “So… Lisa tells us that you will be here regularly Pam, we noticed you last week and thought then what a pretty woman you were” Mary said, I thanked her for her compliment. Her husband added, “We were wondering Pam, whether you might like to join us tonight? You know… later, downstairs” He grinned as he spoke, there was something about him I didn’t like, tactfully I told them that I wasn’t sure yet what my plans were. “I don’t really know what or if Lisa needed me for. “

“Oh, that’s a shame Pam, when we were speaking to Lisa earlier she told us what a ‘fun’ person you were, we were hoping to get to know you on a more ‘intimate’ basis, we both were!” Mary smiled. “Well… maybe later we all will Mary, the nights young, we will probably bump into each other somewhere” I grinned, hoping my answer was taken the right way. “I hope we do – bump into each other that is” George grinned, as he spoke I felt his hand rub across my ass, he squeezed it, “Until later then” he grinned as they walked away. ‘Uuuggghh’ Not if I can help it I thought to myself , I looked across the room trying to find Tony, he was still with Jill and the other couple, it was the I realised the couple were Angie and her husband Jim, they were all laughing as they talked, for the first time I felt a bit jealous! It wasn’t long before two guys joined me, they introduced themselves as Bob and Sam, they seemed nice and both were quite dishy, I suppose late thirties or early forties.

I flirted with them, they both made saucy suggestions regarding my body and what they would like to do to it, I gave back as good as I got. “Are you two here alone?” I asked, Sam said their partners had gone to ‘powder their noses’ – twenty minutes ago, “They’ll need to powder more than that when they have finished with each other” Bob laughed. I sat on a couch with them with me squeezed tightly in between, it wasn’t long before the lights dimmed and the ‘show’ started. As before it was a very sexy and risqué performance, Sam leaned close and whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you Pam… ” as I turned to face him he kissed me, at the same time his hand cupped my tit and he squeezed it. He took hold of my hand and placed it over the bulge in his trousers, without a moment’s hesitation I did what he wanted and fondled his dick. As we kissed I was aware of another hand – I presumed it was Bob’s, stroking my thigh, again as he found no resistance or objection from me he moved it higher.

I felt it touch the bare skin over my stocking top and let out a moan, higher it went… I opened my legs a little allowing him easy access and then I shuddered as his fingers moved my panties aside and slid into my wet cunt. Sam had one of my tits out of my dress and was tweaking on my nipple as we continued to kiss, Bob was fucking my cunt with his fingers… deep and hard! I wanted to unzip Sam’s trousers and get his dick out but I was too aware of the surroundings, I could feel eyes on me. I pulled away from both of them quickly pulling my dress down and scooping my tit back in. “What’s wrong?” Bob asked, he didn’t seem too pleased I had stopped.

“Nothing… I just don’t feel comfortable here, there are too many people!” Bob stood up and pulled me to my feet, “So, you are a bit shy are you… ok… let’s go somewhere more… private” With Sam following, Bob led me downstairs. He opened a door and next thing I knew my dress was off and I was pushed back on to a bed, they both quickly stripped and without any foreplay Bob slammed his dick deep into my cunt. I screamed out as he pounded hard and deep into my cunt, Sam straddled my chest and fed his big dick into my mouth. I gagged and urged as he attempted to deep throat me. They both were like animals, no tenderness or passion was showed by either. This was a new experience for me, I was being treated like a common whore… I liked it!

After fucking my cunt for a while Bob pulled out, Sam got off my chest and I was flipped over on to my stomach, then they got me up on to my hands and knees. Bob carried on where he had left off, in this position he got in real deep, Sam took hold of my head and fucked my mouth. Bob pulled out of my cunt and I felt his dick pushing against my asshole, up till now neither had touched my ass and it was too tight, I felt him dip his fingers back into my cunt and smear the juices around my asshole, he pushed a finger in, then two. I pulled away from Sam’s dick and cried out… it hurt! Sam forced his dick back deep into my mouth muffling my cries, “Shut your whingeing and suck it bitch!” he snarled, I heard Bob laughing, “Yeah… you tell her Sam!” Again his dick pushed up against my asshole, as Sam’s dick was partly down my throat and he held my head tightly I could only make a muffled moan as I felt his dick slide in. He didn’t stop until it was buried deep inside me. “Fucking hell Sam!… she’s got a helluva tight ass” he laughed, “Christ, it really grips my dick! You’ve got to try this mate!”

“I intend to!” Sam replied. Bob pounded my asshole unmercifully; they both seemed to get pleasure out of rough treatment. A few minutes later they swapped around, Sam didn’t bother with my cunt, instead he rammed his dick into my asshole which hurt me again even though Bob had loosened it up with his fucking. I screamed out loudly, his dick was much fatter that Bob’s but I guess about the same in length, Bob held his dick and slapped it against my face. “You scream as loud as you want baby, these rooms are well soundproofed… it turns me on to tell you the truth! I’ll tell you this lady… you are one helluva good fuck!” he grinned.

We saw you here last week and we knew then that you would be!” He pushed his dick into my mouth, “That’s it… suck it good, Yeah… Oh fuck that’s good!” he reached under me and pulled hard at my nipples, twisting them, pinching them. What with Sam brutally fucking my ass, Bob seemingly attempting to choke me with his dick and now this painful treatment of my nipples I could feel tears beginning to run down my face. I wanted to scream out but could not, with his dick still buried in my ass Sam took hold of me around the stomach and rolled over so he was laying on his back, Bob pulled me up so I was squatting on Sam’s dick then eased me back so I lay back on Sam.

He positioned himself in between my open legs and I felt his dick slide into my cunt. He mauled my tits hard and squeezed my nipples as both their dicks fucked my cunt and asshole. I moaned and groaned loudly as they pounded their dicks in to me. A few minutes later and they changed into another position, Sam stayed where he was, I was positioned so facing him I was lowered down with his dick sliding deep into my cunt, he pulled me down and kissed me as he gripped onto my tits, I expected Bob to fuck my ass but I was wrong! I felt my cunt being stretched as his dick joined his friends! Bob laughed out loud as they both pumped into me.

“You like that bitch don’t you! Two dicks inside your cunt at the same time… ” The thing was… Yes! I did like it! I moaned out loud as they continued to fill my cunt, Sam tweaked my nipples hard as he mauled my tits.

“Fucking hell!… You’re not only a good fuck darling, you’ve made me and Sam money tonight too!” Bob said. “Yeah… we had a pool… to see who would be first to fuck you” he laughed. So, the bastards were using me were they, I was their prize! Right, I thought, as much as I was enjoying their rough treatment I said “You might be having a good fuck you bastard but I’ve had better… a lot better!” I panted, “Christ… is this the best you can do!” I sneered back. “C’mon you fucking bastards… fuck me! Fuck me properly!” I shouted out.

With that Bob withdrew from my cunt and with a big lunge he sunk his dick deep into my asshole, all the way in… right up to his balls. It took my breath away, the force pushed me forward, I let out a big loud groan, “There… is that better for you darling!” Bob said as he pistoned his dick in and out of my ass. Sam sucked hard and bit my tits and nipples, it hurt… I felt like crying but wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. “I’ve had better! Much better!” I told them.

With that I felt Bob pull his dick from my ass, “You keep her occupied Sam… I won’t be long” he pulled on his trousers and I heard him leave. Sam roughly pushed me over so I lay back on the bed, he got into a 69 position and for the first time that night I had my pussy licked out, his dick was leaking pre cum as I sucked on it while he used his fingers and tongue on my cunt. Minutes later I heard the door open and close, I couldn’t see what was going on but I heard voices… many voices. As Sam got up I saw that Bob had fetched three other men, they were quickly stripping off their clothes.

I also saw two women standing, watching me, “Ok guys, she reckons she’s had better than me and Sam, you have a go at satisfying the bitch while we have a breather” He took hold of his semi hard dick and walked over to one of the women, she was the one I talked to upstairs, I then spotted her husband – the slime ball! Bob smiled as she sunk down to her knees in front of him and started to suck his dick, the other woman doing the same for Sam. I was pulled to the edge of the bed by a guy I’d noticed earlier, he grinned as he spread my legs and without any foreplay plunged his decent sized dick into my cunt. His was the biggest I’d had so far tonight, I couldn’t help myself… I groaned out loud as he began to pump away. The other two – either side of my head offered their dicks for me to suck, I was surprised by how big ‘slime balls’ dick was, it was easily the biggest one there, big and very fat! They played with my tits as I sucked in turn on their dicks, after a few minutes they swapped around – a new, different dick in my cunt and another… now coated with my cunt juices for me to suck on. They swapped again, now it was ‘slime balls’ turn to fuck me.

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