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I started law school in 1962. I don’t know if you know what a “hot wife” is, but Kathy, my first wife, could have invented the term. Some nights when I was studying, she’d pick a fight, storm out of the house, go downtown, pick some guy up and spend the night with him.

I don’t know if it was just one guy or if she was playing the field. Of course, this was long before AIDS became a problem, and my main concern was that she not catch the clap or get knocked up. Both were a distinct possibility because this was before the Pill was invented.

She wore a diaphragms, but we already had six kids. As I said, I knew she was getting a lot of cock on the side — she made no effort to hide it — but since we swung regularly as a couple, it didn’t particularly bother me because I also knew she wasn’t going to run off with some guy she picked up in an all night theater.

One night, however, I surprised her by closing my books and putting on my coat. “I’m going with you,” I said. I wanted to see what she was really up to.

We drove downtown, and stopped briefly at a swinger’s bar, but the place was dead, so we went on down to 1st Ave, and into an adult theater. I’d been there before when the only woman in the place was on the screen, but after our eyes adjusted to the dark, we saw a half dozen men, some standing, clustered about halfway down the theater on the left-hand side.

I steered Kathy down the aisle and toward the cluster. As we worked our way into the row of empty seats, I realized the men were watching a couple make out. The men parted as we approached the couple, and as they did so, I noticed a couple of them were openly holding their cocks!

I was mildly shocked. Men commonly jack off in adult theaters, but usually they hide their busy hands and hard cocks under their coats. But then I saw what had attracted the crowd.

It was hard to tell much about the couple in the dim light radiating from the screen, but the woman’s white breasts and naked thighs were clearly visible. Just as we prepared to sit next to them, the man said, “Can’t you find another seat? You’re in the way, here.”

We hurriedly backed out, but not before I realized that the woman’s sweater was pulled up to her chin, and her skirt up to her waist. Her legs were widely separated, and she was holding her partner’s cock in one hand, and the cock of a man standing next to her in the other.

Kathy is not shy and was always quick to accept a challenge. “Let’s see if we can draw a crowd, too,” she whispered. We moved to the center section of the theater and sat in the middle of the row. Kathy already had her blouse open and turned away from me. “Unhook me,” she said. I reached up under her blouse and unhooked her bra. She quickly slipped it off and handed it to me. Then she lifted her skirt and raising up, slid her panties down her thighs. I bent over to retrieve them before they fell on the filthy floor.

Then she leaned back in her seat, pulling her blouse wide open, and began fingering her cunt. Her heavy, somewhat pendulous breasts quickly drew the attention of several men nearby, and they began moving closer to get a better view. She was basking in the attention she was getting as she absently plucked at a nipple while continuing to finger her cunt.

I reached over and touched a nipple. Always large after having nursed six children, they were now as stiff as my cock. With my other hand, I reached down to her cunt, and discovered another set of fingers already there. Startled, I looked up to see a stranger sitting on the other side of her. She had his cock in her hand while he diddled her.

A man sat next to me and leaned over close enough so I could smell his tobacco breath and after shave. He whispered in my ear. “Your woman is really hot! I don’t usually do this, but I’d actually give her $100 if she would take me up to the ladies room for a quickie.”

I knew Kathy would be flattered by his offer, and would find it amusing, so I leaned over and repeated it in her ear. Much to my enormous surprise, she immediately dropped the man’s cock on the other side and leaned over me to talk to the man. “Do you really mean it?” He nodded.

“Let’s go,” she said. “You follow me.” She pulled her blouse together and put her purse and coat on my lap. “Be right back,” she said as she stood and began working her way past several groping hands until she reached the aisle. Her admirer was right behind her. They disappeared through the exit curtain together.

I didn’t like this arrangement much, but ten minutes later she was back, again pushing past a dozen groping hands. She carried a couple of paper towels which she spread on the seat before she pulled her skirt up to her waist and sat on the towel. “Feel me,” she said. I reached down to her cunt and found it full of hot, gooey semen. “Easiest $100 I ever made,” she said with a good deal of satisfaction. She spoke loudly enough so the men nearest her overheard her remark.

The man whose cock she had been holding leaned over and said “I ain’t got $100, but would $50 do?” Kathy immediately lead her new conquest out of the theater, and as before, returned with a handful of paper towels. This time, however, she didn’t even get to sit down. A man spoke to her as she was entering our row, and she immediately turned and marched back up the aisle leading him to the ladies room.

During the next hour or so, she fucked three more men, and on the way home, she counted her earnings. $322! When I got my turn in her puffy, swollen cunt, all she could say was “When can we go again?”

Later, when I asked who the cheap bastard was who gave her only $2, she laughed. “That was $22, all the money he had, so I gave him back the $20. As far as I know, she never did it again, but we told that story to other swingers for years, and always got looks of mixed shock and envy.

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