I work for a national magazine. I’ve been there for over five years now. We publish stories and photographs of odd and interesting people, places, and things. My group focuses on the unique people of the world. My job is photography.
* * *
About a year ago, some of the governments of foreign countries felt we were exploiting their natives, and if we wished to continued our “study”, then we had to do something in exchange. At first, we tried trinkets – candy and toys, for the children. Most hated the candy and food, as it was so different from what they were used to. They much preferred tree bark, and bugs, or whatever it is they eat. And they couldn’t understand even the simplest of toys and games. We were allowed fewer and fewer visits, and it was hurting our publication. I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea. Instead of the crap we usually bring, what if we offered some medical care? My editor thought it was a great idea, and so did many of the countries’ leaders. This is where my wife comes in. As a newly graduated nurse, who is working on being a doctor, this would be a great opportunity for her. She was hired six months ago, as my assistant. Our caravan consisted of my wife, and myself, a writer, a video cameraman, and a travel agent, who kept us in hotels and made things run smoothly. This worked well, as my wife would draw blood and test for diseases, and hereditary conditions, while I snapped pictures of everything I could find.
But this year would be different. Because of highly volatile conditions in many parts of the world, our travel was greatly reduced. This lead to layoffs throughout the company. My editor called me into his office. I figured I was next on the chopping block.
“I know you have been here a long time, and you are a valuable resource here, but…” , he paused for a moment. I knew what was coming, as he continued, “but things are getting pretty tight around here with budget cuts and all. I have decided to give you one chance to prove what I know you are capable of.”
Hey, things might be looking up after all, I thought.
“There is a tribe in Africa that so far hasn’t been published by anyone. Seems the head elder turns all reporters away. Are you interested?”
“Are you kidding?, I would love to do it!”
“There’s one catch…because of the cuts, I can only send you and your wife. You will have to take notes, as well as shoot pictures. Still interested?”
“You bet. When do we leave?” I wanted to get out of there before he changed his mind.
“I had a feeling you would jump on it. That’s why I already booked your flight. It leaves in two days. A guide will meet you at the airport, and take you to the hotel. From there, he will take you to the tribes village. He will also translate for you.”
I stood up, and reached my hand out,
“Thanks, I won’t let you down.”
“Not to put any pressure on you, but the whole magazine is counting on you. I know you can do it.”All eyes were on me as I left his office. Some thought I had been fired, some knew their jobs counted on me. My wife was at her desk, knowing where I was, but not why.
“Come on, grab your stuff!” was all I said, as I whisked her down the aisle, towards the elevator.
“What’s going on? What happened in there?”She was worried for the both of us. By the time the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, she was all over me.
“I knew it was something good! I knew he wouldn’t fire us!”I hadn’t given her all the details yet, as I didn’t want to scare her. That night at dinner, I spilled the news.
“Just the two of us? Can we handle it?”
“Of course we can, we’ll just have to work a little harder.”
“I suppose, considering the whole operation hinges on us.”
* * *
We spent the next day preparing for our trip. By the end of the day we had everything in order. Before we knew it, we were flying across the ocean to some country in Africa, that until now, we had never explored. Our jet landed, and we boarded a smaller plane to take us closer to our destination. A young black man, in his early twenties, met us at the gate. My wife smiled and waved at him. She has always had a thing for dark men. He told us that our guide was running a bit late, and sent him out to pick us up. It took about an hour to get to the hotel, and he pointed out many sights along the way. All to quickly, he had our stuff unloaded and was driving off.
The hotel was suprisingly nice, and the man behind the desk spoke English quite well. He gave us our key, and informed us that our guide would meet us here in the lobby at 8:00 in the morning. This was fine, as we had a long day already, and wanted to just rest. After checking our gear, we took showers and laid down on the king size bed.
“Our driver was kinda cute, wasn’t he?” my wife said, as she slid her hand up and down my chest.
“I wouldn’t know, but obviously you think so.” I said with a grin. She slowly planted kisses down my chest, and across my stomach. I knew were this was leading, and I knew who she was thinking about. “Maybe I should have invited him up.” I teased. “But what would you have done then?”
“Probably this,” she said with a mischievous grin. She then lowered her mouth down around my hardening cock, and began that ritual she does so well. She loves to suck cock. Sometimes I think she enjoys it more than fucking. But she’s not real fond of the taste. Very seldom will she swallow, preferring to spit it out, and rub it into my shaft and balls. This time was no exception, and when she was done, we fell into a deep sleep.
* * *
The next morning, we woke bright and early to began our adventure. I was dressed and ready, so I told my wife I would go down and see if our guide had arrived yet. She would meet us down there when she was ready.
The sound of the elevator door opening caught the attention of our guide, who was waiting by the front desk. He hurried over, extending his hand as he approached.
“Good morning, sir. How was your trip? Did you sleep well?”
“Morning .Yeah, it was a pretty good flight, and this hotel is wonderful.”
“Great, are we ready to leave yet?”
“No, not yet. Still waiting for my partner.”
“Oh yes, that’s right, they said there would be two of you.” His English was also very good, and I had a feeling my wife would enjoy his company. While we waited, he filled me in on the tribe we would be visiting.
“This is a strange group of natives. The men and women live apart from each other.”
I didn’t think that was so odd, many natives sleep in separate huts. He sensed that I wasn’t grasping his explanation, so he added, “they live about twenty miles apart.”Now he had my attention. “Once a year, the women send only a handful of young women to a camp halfway between theirs and the men’s’ camp. Then the men would send only a handful of guys to this camp. They would mate, and then return back to their homes. Sometimes their timing was not perfect. One group or the other would wait for awhile. Sometimes they would just leave. That is why there numbers are dwindling. There haven’t been any births for many years. In fact, there are no members of either tribe under the age of nineteen.”
“So there are no women at this camp we are going to visit?” I asked.
“No, the elder thinks women hide an evil spirit, and he gets nervous when any are around.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to this, when suddenly my wife showed up, kissing me on the cheek. “Hi honey, is this our guide?” she asked while giving him a very warm smile.
“Er… this is your partner? Uh…we may have a problem.”We all sat down there in the lobby, as we explained everything to my wife. She was very understanding, as she knows how different cultures react to different things.
“Well, can we at least try?” she pleaded. “After all, we came a long way.”The guide hemmed and hawed. I think normally he would have said no, but there was something about this white women that intrigued him.
“OK, we will go, but there are no promises.” He spoke to my wife as he said this. He was young, perhaps 20 years old, but had the demeanor of a much older person. The trip took about three hours, but his Landrover was a newer model, and was very comfortable. The last hour was off the paved road, but wasn’t too bad. As soon as we arrived, the natives began staring at us. Well, OK, at my wife. none of them had ever seen a “white” woman before, and many had never seen a woman since leaving the women’s’ camp while they were children. The men here ranged from about 20 years old up to the chief elder, who appeared to be about 40. They had cleared out a hut for us to sleep and work in, so we started hauling our stuff inside. Our guide was busy setting up his tent, and talking with the others. He was telling them that we were friendly, and were here to help them. This seemed to put them at ease, as they started smiling and nodding to us.
“The elder will see you now.” our guide said, as he led us to his hut. Once inside, the guide introduced us, and my wife immediately went over to draw blood. He stiffened a little, but his expression never changed. My wife then hurried back to our “lab” to begin the testing. After she had left, the elder spoke. the guide spoke back to him, then turned to me. “It doesn’t look too good. He’s not sure about her. He thinks she is hiding something.” Then the chief spoke again. I turned my attention to our translator. “He says he wants her to return without any covering so that he can be sure she’s not hiding anything.”
“He wants her to come back naked?”I understood his reasoning, but I was making sure.
“Yes, but he will be respectful. You can be here the entire time. I will stay also, if you wish.”
I knew why he wanted to stay, but for some reason, it was kind of a turn on.
“Honey, how’s it going?” She could sense something was up.
“He’s clean, very healthy. What’s up?”
“He still doesn’t trust you.”
“I was expecting that.”
“He wants you to take off your clothes, so that he can see your not hiding anything.”
“I wasn’t expecting that! Are you serious?”,she laughed, nervously.
“I’m afraid so. Most of these guys are almost naked anyway.”They only wore loincloths, that barely covered the parts my wife was hoping to see. “Besides, we’re all adults here.”
“I’ll do this for the magazine, but you have to strip too.” she said as she started undressing. I stripped down to my shorts.
“I don’t need to be naked, I’m not the one hiding anything.” I smirked “Besides, I wouldn’t want to make them jealous!” This caused her to laugh. “OK, big man. So where is he?”
“Uh… he’s waiting in his hut for us.”
“You expect me to walk naked across this camp with over twenty men staring at me?”
“I got news for you.” I said with a chuckle, “Look around.” As she twirled around, they scattered in different directions.
“You knew they were watching me get undressed, and you didn’t say anything?”
“I didn’t hear any complaints, besides, what can you do when the walls are made of branches?”Looking around, you could see daylight everywhere.
“Oh well, I guess they saw me already, lets get this over with.”We walked hand in hand to the elders hut. The men stared, but they didn’t leer. Only a couple of them ever had sex, so they didn’t know what they were missing. Our guide, however, was having a hard time not staring for the obvious reasons.
“Uh… I’ll be out here, if you need me.” he said as he stood guard at the grass door. We walked in, and up to the chief elder, who was sitting on his bamboo throne. Again, no expression on his face, as he motioned her to turn around. He seemed to be fascinated by the fact that her pussy was clean shaven, but said nothing. He examined her from every angle, and even reached out and gently prodded her a few times. He motioned her away, so she walked back over to me. He then said something, and the guide came rushing in. They talked back and forth, stopping occasionally to look at my wife. Her nipples were getting hard. She knew they were talking about her, but had no idea what they were saying. Finally the guide turned to us. “I’m sorry, but the chief still has his doubts about you. I tried everything I could think of. He feels it would be better if we left. I’m truly sorry, I’ll be outside packing my things.”The two of us stood there in disbelief. My wife looked up at me, “I’m sorry too, this is my fault. I blew it.”Then the light bulb went off in my head.
“Honey, I think I have an idea. But it might be a little difficult for you.”
“I just walked naked past twenty good looking men, what could possibly be any more difficult?”Did she just say “good looking men”?maybe it was my imagination..anyway, I leaned over and whispered in her ear. I don’t know why I whispered, as no one could understand me anyway, but I whispered my idea. At first she was shocked, but a smile slowly crept across her face.
“I guess it won’t be that bad, besides, a lot of people are depending on us.”
“that’s right!” I quickly agreed, and nudged her forward, before she backed out. She slowly walked over to the chief, keeping her head down the whole way. She then respectfully dropped to her knees in front of him. As she slowly raised her eyes to meet his, she placed her hands on his knees. She ran her hands up until the met in the middle with his manhood clasped in her grip. She slowly leaned forward and planted small kisses along the underside of his slender cock. He had no reaction. That is until she lowered her soft moist lips down around his shaft. Out of his lips came something we finally understood. A moan. She continued sucking and pumping. He was starting to tremble, then suddenly he stiffened. I don’t know how many years he had been saving that for, but he sure let loose. I could tell by his body movements that he shot at least seven good spurts into my wife’s mouth. I knew exactly what he was feeling, as she continued to swallow gulp after gulp. Wait a sec. Swallowed? The only cum she didn’t swallow was the overflow that covered her fingers. As she got up and walked back over to where I was standing, she licked and sucked her fingers clean. On one hand, I was very jealous that she swallowed his load, but on the other hand, my pants were about to burst.
The chief sat there for a moment, while he regained his composure. His face still showing no expression. I would never play poker with this man. He finally shouted something, and in a moment, our guide was standing at the door. He stuck his head in and looked around, then stepped inside. He and the chief spoke for several minutes, before he turned to us. “Well, I don’t know how you did it, but you convinced him to change his mind. He said you may stay, but under one condition.”
My wife was jumping up and down, “Yes, yes, we will do anything!”She was squeezing my arm.
“The chief says the poke of your shiny stick causes pain. You offset his pain with pleasure. You must do the same for each member of the tribe.” The guide still had no clue as to what had happened here earlier. A shutter ran through my wife’s body as the words sunk in. She looked up at me in amazement, “He wants me to suck off all the men!” she whispered. I didn’t know if she was offended, or flattered. I soon found out.
“Yes!Of course I will! When do we start?” She was shaking with anticipation, as the two exchanged words.
“The chief says after dinner he will send small groups to your hut. He says they will arrive after bathing in the river.”How considerate of the chief. We retreated to our hut to prepare for dinner and dessert. We discussed my wife’s “dessert” as we dressed. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked, knowing her passion for both dark skin, and cock sucking.
“You bet! I don’t know what they eat here, but the chiefs cum tasted like honey! If you figure out their diet, I’ll swallow your cum every night!”
“But what if you catch something?”
“Don’t be silly. I’m doing all the blood tests, remember? If by chance, I find something, I’ll just break out the baby oil and give them the hand job of their life.”
“You have thought of everything, haven’t you?”She didn’t answer, she didn’t have to, her smile said it all. Oh god, what if their diet consisted of slugs and spiders and elephant dung? We always brought food with us just in case.
* * *
We strolled over to the “dining hall” at the end of the village. It was basically a large hut with no walls, and a long table. It was covered with fruit. Beautiful fruit, some of which I have never seen before. This was all they ate… so this was their secret! We gorged ourselves on fruits that tasted like nothing we had experienced before. Everything was absolutely wonderful. We drank nectars that were incredible. When we were done, we headed back to our hut, awaiting the first group.
There was a knock on the grass and bamboo door, and it slowly creaked open. Three young men entered, and sat on the bench at one end of the room. My wife went over, and began drawing blood from them. Each one flinched a little, but sat still through it all. It took about twenty minutes before she turned around from the table that made up her “lab” .We hadn’t noticed before, but the chief was standing at the door watching. I waved him in, pointing to a chair next to the table. He nodded once, and sat down. She looked at me and said, “All clean!”, as she slipped her dress off, and walked towards the men. She kneeled in front of the first one, and lifted his loincloth. His eyes bugged out as her tongue slithered up and down his now erect cock. The other two were fascinated by her actions. It took only minutes before he started bucking his hips, and filling her mouth with warm nectar. She appeared to be orgasming as she swallowed. He was still in shock, as she moved over to the next young man. She proceeded to take him to places he has never dreamed of. I had my digital camera out and was firing off picture after picture. I turned to grab another camera, when the chief held out a cup to me. One small sip told me this was not just nectar. Two cups later, I was pretty well smashed, the chief just sat and smiled. After my wife devoured nine men, the chief decided to call it a night. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.
As we lay in bed, she spoke to me. “I can’t believe how much I love their cum! If it weren’t for my sore jaws, I could do that all night!”We couldn’t wait to finish up tomorrow.
* * *
The next day, I took pictures of everything I could find, and even wrote a few notes. As my cameras filled up, I downloaded them to my laptop, then e-mailed them to my home via satellite. The chief and I relished each moment watching my wife work. By mid afternoon she had tested and tasted every man in the village. She walked up and stood before the chief and I. “I need more cum.” she said matter of factly. She no longer worried about talking in front of the chief, as he always just sat there. I looked up at her and said, “I think the chief here could use another one of your world famous blow jobs, right chief?” as I looked over at him. His expression never changes, other than the occasional smile or nod. She didn’t think twice, dropping down in front of him. This time, however, he lifted his loincloth for her, and closed his eyes. She sucked hard and fast, pumping with one hand, and massaging his balls with the other. “I wonder what he thinks about when you’re blowing him” I thought out loud.
“I don’t care, as long as he cums soon.” was all she could spit out between slurps. He soon stiffened and groaned, supplying my wife with her much needed fix. I could see her savoring every drop, not wasting any.
As the day went on, she made up tests to keep the men coming. And coming. They lined up at the door, and by early evening she was using the juice from aloe plants as lubrication as she pumped with her hands. By bed time, she was exhausted. We had a few stragglers come in, and stand next to her side of the bed. They would slowly pump their own cocks, using the aloe, as she had shown them earlier. They would then place the tips of their dark cocks upon her lips as they came. Her tongue, like a snake, would come slithering out searching for more as she slept.