Sexy naked girl fucked

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This is a 100% true story, only some of the names have been changed to avoid embarrassing our friends. This is my first attempt at writing a story, but I thought this was just too good to keep to myself.

My name is Eugene and my wife is Marie, I am 55 and Marie is 35. She is about 5’5″ and about 160 Lbs. But carries it pretty well. We have been married 8 years and have been enjoying the swinging scene for 3 years now. We started trying to meet guys online but found that most of the time single guys were a no-show for whatever reason. We did meet a few great guys and had some wonderful times, but wanted more. We joined a swingers club and attended a few parties and met some really good guys and couples and enjoyed some great sex. This really enhanced our own sex lives tremendously.

Marie has also developed a great attitude towards exhibitionism also and has started wearing really revealing dresses and never wears panties anymore, even when going shopping, hoping someone will see her shaved cunt on the escalator at the mall. We have also been going to adult arcades and theaters and playing some. It was at a theater I noticed that she was taking a good look at some of the black cocks that were being jerked off around her.

Let me say here that we were both raised in an almost 100% white area of Arkansas and were taught from a very young age that associating with blacks was taboo.

Marie was starting to fantasize about having a black cock inside her, but would only talk about it for a few minutes then would say that it was something she didn’t think she could ever actually do. Meanwhile I started chatting online with a black guy ( I’ll call him M)from a town nearby, telling him that she was not ready to cross the line yet but when she was ready I hoped he was there.

A few months later we were at a swingers club that we attend frequently and Marie was dancing with a young black guy. She was wearing a short dress that just barely covered her ass cheeks and was cut almost to her nipples in the front. This guy was kissing her up and getting her really hot. In a few minutes he had hers 38D titties out and was giving them a really good sucking while she was rubbing his cock thru his trousers. Her skirt was pulled up in the back and everyone could see her ass all the way to the top of the crack, but she didn’t care at the moment. He was sucking on her breast and fingered her pussy right there on the dance floor till she almost collapsed with her orgasm. About this time the club security came over and made them stop.

We talked about it later and she admitted it was a different experience and was lots of fun but that she could never go any further that that in reality. I knew that it was only a matter of time after that, but it would have to be in her own time, I couldn’t risk pushing her there and setting this back several months.

A couple of months later we were at another club party and she was wearing another really short spandex dress, which didn’t cover her ass cheeks and was elastic enough that her breasts could be taken out over the top with no trouble at all. She had been dancing and getting her titties sucked by guys as well as the ladies and really had her eye on one lady that she wanted to try to get to come to our room after the party.

About 3 hours before the party ended I saw M walk in the door. I got up and spoke with him for a few minutes then brought him over and introduced him to Marie. We talked for a few minutes and he went off to visit some other guests. Marie told me that she thought he looked better than the pictures I had shown her of him. Soon he came over and asked Marie to dance, it was a slow song and they danced with her head on his chest. Soon he had the back of her dress pulled up so his hands could rest on the bare flesh of her ass. Both her titties were out of the top of her dress and her was really working them over with his mouth as he was working on her ass with his hands. As his hand snaked around to the front to feel her wet pussy I saw her hand go to the front of his leather trousers as she kneaded his hard cock. They danced 4 or 5 songs without even stopping for the breaks between songs; I could tell she was really getting hot.

She came back to sit with me and I felt her pussy; it was soaking her thighs, all the way to the tops of her stockings. We talked about him and she was still saying that she could not fuck a black man, maybe someday but not yet.

Closing time came and her date with the lady didn’t materialize and she had no alternate plan so it was just the 2 of us for the night. I casually mentioned that I could probably get M to come to the room with us if she wanted. She didn’t even hesitate, but said she would like for him to come up as long as he understood that she was not promising anything. I gave him our room number and told him that he would have to promise to back off if she got cold feet, after all this is a big step for a girl from Arkansas.

When we got to the room I made a couple of drinks and we sat and chatted for a few minutes. Normally I will start things off by undressing Marie in front of our guest, but this time I wanted her to be the one to start it off. M was sitting in a chair and Marie was sitting on the bed facing him and with her short skirt I know he could see her shaven cunt. I went to the restroom for a minute and when I returned he was on the bed with her and their tongues were halfway down each other’s throats. He soon had her 38d’s out and was going to town on them with his mouth and tongue as he fingered her wet cunt with one hand.

It didn’t take but a few minutes of this and he lay her down and buried his face in her dripping pussy. It didn’t take her but a couple of minutes and she was in the throes of a tremendous orgasm. He ate her like this for about 20 minutes, getting her off 3 more times. Then he rose up and removed his shirt and trousers and without giving her a chance to back out he just spread her legs and eased his black cock into her pussy. As soon as he was in she went into orbit with one of the biggest orgasms I have ever seen. He fucked her slowly but earnestly as she was in a continuous orgasm. His cock was not too big, about 7 inches long but was about twice as thick as mine and I knew she was being filled up.

I was busy with the video camera and the still camera getting all this down so she could re-live her first time over again if she didn’t feel too much guilt about it. He fucked her missionary for a while then rolled over and pulled her on top of him so that she was fucking him. In that position I could see his cock stretching her pussy as it came out to the head and then penetrated all the way back in. She came so much that there was a huge wet spot on the bed under them. She fucked him like that for about 10 minutes till she collapsed on his chest. Then he rolled her over on her side and straddled one leg and took her from the side for a few minutes. Judging from the sounds Marie was making and the way she was begging him to fuck her she was in heaven. All this time I was treated to a great view of his black cock sliding in and out of her sopping cunt.

When he turned her again to fuck her doggie style she really went wild. In this position he could really get good penetration and was pounding his cock all the way to his balls in her drenched fuck hole. I eased toward the head of the bed and slipped my engorged member into her mouth and she gobbled it like she never has before, I knew I was only about 30 seconds before shooting off so as he moved off her I took his place and slipped my hard cock into her stretched pussy. I could feel the heat from her while I was still several inches away from her steamy hole. She was hotter than I have ever seen her and it didn’t take me but 4 or 5 strokes until my cock was erupting the biggest load of cum I can remember shooting.

As soon as I got off he replaced me, slowly sliding his cock into her now filled pussy. I watched as his cock forced my cum out of her and onto the bed and all over his cock and balls. His slippery, cum covered cock continued pumping into her for, probably another 20 minutes before he finished.

I had a 90-minute tape in the camera and it ran out about 30 minutes before he finished so he fucked her for about 2 hours before she passed out. He and I talked for about an hour then he kissed her goodnight and left. She never woke up as I covered her and slipped into bed to snuggle up beside her for the night. She was truly satisfied.

The next day as we watched the video I looked over and she was shuddering in the throes of an orgasm from just watching this and thinking about his black cock sliding into her. She then asked me if she could fuck him again this coming weekend. As I am writing this I am waiting on him to answer my e-mail and confirm that we can meet this coming Sat. so that she can once again feel her cunt being filled with his black cock and his balls slapping against her ass.

If you ever get the chance to see your wife fucked by a black cock just remember that she will want to go back for more.

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