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Back in 1997 my wife, Nicola, and I had a small series of adventures. I thought I would share one with you.

First off I will describe Nicola as she was then. She was a natural blonde, quite attractive, smart as a whip, 5′ 7″, around 135lbs, and a nice set of 34C breasts.

Having been married for 6 years at the time and both in our late twenties, we started sharing fantasies with one another during our lovemaking.

Being that neither of us had much sexual experience other than with each other, our fantasies were only divulged with the sheer delight of watching the other get turned on.

I asked Nicola once while she was sitting on top of my cock, riding it slowly, what her absolute fantasy would be. After thinking for a moment she shyly told me that she had never sucked another man’s cock before and that she had always wondered what it would be like.

As she slowly rocked back and forth, grinding her hips into mine, I encouraged the fantasy by telling her that I would enjoy watching her suck another man off. Her grinding motions became more hurried as she circled her clitoris on my pelvic bone as my cock was buried deep within her womb. After having a series of orgasms she crawled between my legs and gave me one of the best blowjobs I could remember.

A few weeks later we had set off on a 7 day holiday to Greece. We were staying in the small town of Pyrgos, so very near to the wonderful beaches and to the historical town of Olympia.

One evening at our hotel bar, we started chatting to an attractive German couple, Klaus and Hilde, who were from Hamburg. They were in their mid-40’s, quite tall, and very well traveled. We hit it off immediately as they spoke perfect English and had visited our lovely home city of San Francisco in the past. The longer we spoke the more we drank and chatted about different parts of the world and shared our love of history.

As it approached 12:30 am, Hilde bid us all a goodnight and kissed Klaus on the cheek. They were supposed to be leaving the following morning for Athens and she wanted to sleep off some of the effects of the alcohol. As we said goodnight, Klaus told her that he would have a few more drinks with us and retire soon afterwards.

As we ordered a fresh round of drinks, Klaus excused himself to go to the restroom. I looked over at Nicola who was having a great time. Her cheeks were flushed, obviously feeling no pain from the effects of the alcohol she had consumed.

I placed her hand in mine and commented how great of shape Klaus was in for a man in his 40’s. She readily agreed and started giggling, telling me that he kept brushing her leg with his hand as he told of he and Hilde’s travels.

Then her fantasy came to mind. I looked her in the eyes and asked her about her fantasy of performing oral on another man. Her eyes opened wide as she told me there was no way she could do that for real, especially having met Klaus’ wife, Hilde. I told her that now was the best time to do it being that we would never see them again, not in a million years. I could tell that she was contemplating the act as she measured my words through the alcohol.

She then spoke softly and stared at me intently. “How would I even go about letting him know I wanted to do it”?

Just as she got those words out, Klaus, returning from the restroom, sauntered up to our table.

“Well”, I yawned, “I think I’m going to hit the sack myself. Nicola says she isn’t quite ready to go to sleep yet. Klaus, would you mind making sure she gets back upstairs when you guys call it a night”?

Nicola looked at me with saucer eyes and a slight smile as Klaus and I shook hands and exchanged our goodnights.

I went upstairs and took a nice hot shower. After drying off and wrapping a towel around my waist, I stepped out on our balcony to feel the warm breeze. I noticed Nicola and Klaus outside near a tree by the dimly lit swimming pool with their backs toward me. Something told me then that she was definitely going to go through with her fantasy.

I hurriedly turned off all the lights in the room and pulled the curtains almost closed around the balcony doorway. I could barely contain myself as I watched Klaus finish his drink and put his hand on my wife’s shoulder.

They walked over to a pool shed, opened the door and stepped inside, away from my view. My cock got rock hard immediately as I slowly stroked it, patiently waiting for them to step back outside.

Although it seemed like hours, a mere 15 minutes or so had passed before they exited the pool shed. Klaus, the gentleman, led her out by her hand and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. As he walked away she stood by the pool for a few minutes and then started making her way up to our room.

I quickly jumped in bed and listened as her footsteps neared our door. I took a deep breath as I heard the door open and close, knowing she was back, safe and sound.

She turned on the bathroom light and closed the door halfway, allowing some light to penetrate the dark room. She approached me quietly as if not to awaken me as I feigned sleep.

She took off her clothes and crawled into to bed, snuggling up against me.

“Hey sleepy, I’m back”, she said softly.

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at her as she smiled back at me.

“Well”, I asked, already knowing the answer. “Did you do it”?

She smiled proudly and nodded her head.

“So, tell me about it”, I laughed as I sat up in bed.

She said she and Klaus spoke casually by the pool when out of the blue she asked him if he could do her a favor. He said, “Sure”, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

She said she wanted to ask him something in the pool shed. They got up and went inside. As soon as the door closed behind them she placed her arms around his neck and told him of her fantasy, and asked if he could help her. She said Klaus smiled and kissed her forehead as she moved up to him and started rubbing his cock through his tan shorts.

It was then, she said, that she knew she was in for a treat.

Klaus took a step back and unzipped his shorts. Nicola claimed that his cock wasn’t even fully hard yet and was already at least seven inches long. What surprised her, she claimed, was the thickness of his uncircumsized cock.

She got down on her knees and began to rub the hardening cock over her lips and face as he stroked her hair. As she put the tip of his cock in her mouth she said she could already taste pre cum oozing from the big head.

As she slowly worked a couple of inches of his cock into her waiting mouth, she said she gagged several times from the sheer thickness of it. He told her to slow down and to take her time as he started to slowly work it in and out of her mouth.

She reached down and started tracing my cock with her fingers as she began telling me the rest of the story.

Klaus gently put his hand on the back of her head as she wrapped both hands around his large uncut cock. She claimed that she placed her hands end over end with about three inches of cock remaining to suck into her greedy mouth.

She said they did this for about five minutes until Klaus removed her hands and placed them on his hips. He then placed his cock in one of his hands and put the other behind her neck. He slowly started to stroke his cock and gently force her waiting mouth on his swollen penis in unison with his strokes.

After about three minutes of this he started to moan, and without warning, blasted a thick stream of cum between her warm lips. Instinctively she reached for his cock and tried to back away only to feel a slight pressure on her neck from his large hand. The only choices she had was to try to open her mouth to let the strong jets of cum run out of her mouth or make a desperate attempt to try to swallow it. She said she chose the later although she couldn’t even come close to swallowing it all.

It was then that I noticed her white tank top on the floor, definitely shows the signs of some heavy cum stains. I placed my finger on the largest stain and then pressed it against her lips. She licked my finger, told me she loved me with all of her heart, placed my cock in her mouth and swallowed yet another round of come – this time from her husband.

We had a couple of more blowjob adventures that I may share in the near future. Reliving these memories helps me to remember Nicola and the beautiful person that she was. She was tragically killed in a car accident in the spring of 1999 while returning home from college as she had decided to go back to school to further advance her nursing degree.

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