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I’d been reading it, so now I wanted to act out the online fantasies that were driving me to distraction. God, I was so turned on. I could feel the wetness seeping through my panties. Of course, the hubby was crashed out on the couch and I knew better than to try to wake him. Jake could be a bastard when I tried to wake him up from a sound sleep. So, I figured maybe I’d play with the shower massager. A pulsating stream on just the right spot could send me right over the edge.

He was so naïve. He actually didn’t think I did things like this. He thought he taught me to masturbate. Yes, I was a virgin when we met, but I wasn’t as inexperienced as I led him to believe. I never actually fucked a guy until him, but I knew my body long before he did. I knew that the right pressure on my clit, rolling the tiny nub between my thumb and my finger would cause my hips to buck involuntarily and if I continued quickening the pace, my face would flush, my entire clit would spasm and I would float away into this orgasmic bliss.

I have to give him some credit. He did introduce me to the world of pornos, bondage, dildos, and vibrators. I was virgin territory as far as that went. But my needs were not being met and he was sleeping. Dammitt, I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be like those girls on TV, the ones I pretended not to watch while he was going down on me. I craved that feeling of a cock thrusting deep inside of me. Two cocks. Three. One in my mouth, my ass and my cunt. Hungry mouths and hands devouring my body. He didn’t realize how insatiable I’d become. How I wanted to do just about anything. With anyone. All he had to do was ask. But he wouldn’t ask. He didn’t know my secret.

Maybe I was a slut in a previous life. I don’t know. It was like after I started doing it, something inside of me became animalistic, alive. I love sex and not just missionary, vanilla-type sex. I guess for being a virgin for twenty-one years, I had a lot of making up to do. I could have lost it a couple of times. I mean it’s not like I’m hideously ugly or anything. Natural blonde hair and blue eyes is a pretty good match with a long, lean body. I knew of at least a couple of guys who wanted to get me in bed. Unfortunately, being the good daughter, my mother’s warning of “why buy the cow, if the milk is free” always served as a chaperone inside of my head… until Jake.

Jake gave me my first tongue fuck on our two-month dating anniversary. We were on a secluded stretch of beach. It was nearing nightfall and Jake kept teasing about going skinny-dipping. I wasn’t really into it because I was insecure about the way I looked. I was far from big breasted and the only attribute I really like about myself were my incredibly long legs. And I was extremely self-conscious about the fact that no man had ever seen me naked. I worried that he wouldn’t like what he saw.

Jake only smiled and proceeded to untie my top and slowly pull my bathing suit bottom down my legs. My first instinct was to cover myself, but Jake forced my hands behind my head so he could take in the complete view. I closed my eyes. I felt him lean over me and then the warmth of his mouth, his tongue teasing my nipples erect. Jake took my hand and placed it on the bulge in swim trunks. At that moment, I knew that he liked what he saw.

Jake began the descent down my stomach with a trail of kisses, maddeningly slow, enticing and terrifying at the same time. He hovered above my pussy, dropping a kiss here, a kiss there, but never going where every nerve in my body was dying for him to go. Finally, his fingers spread my swollen lips apart and his tongue lapped up my pussy juices and he started to suck on my clit. I was no longer aware of anything else but the sweet sensation of Jake’s mouth on my clit. Just when I thought I could it take it no longer, Jake plunged his tongue in and out of my virginal depths. I was out of my mind with pleasure. I grabbed Jake’s hair and ground my pussy onto his tongue. I fucked his tongue like the cock I fantasized about whenever I touched myself.

And just when I was on the verge of release, he stopped. He sat up slowly, never removing his gaze from my face, and released his engorged cock from the restraints of his swim trunks. He repositioned himself so his cock hung above my mouth, while his mouth continued its pleasurable assault on my clit. I knew what he wanted, but wasn’t exactly sure what to do. Jake murmured something that I took to mean suck it, so I did. I thought I would choke, at first, he was so huge. But I just opened my mouth wider and wider and took him in deeper and deeper until I felt his balls against my chin. Than Jake did something I didn’t expect. He took his hand and fucked my pussy. One finger, two, three, four fingers plunging into me. The harder he fucked, the deeper I sucked. It became almost a game between the two of us.

And then he took it to a new level. With a finger lubricated with my own pussy juices, he slowly forced it into my tight ass hole. I will never forget the orgasm that racked my body by having my pussy finger-fucked and being ass fucked at the same time. It must have been a turn-on for Jake, too. Try as he might, he couldn’t hold it any longer and spurted hot cum down my throat. Afterwards, we lay there in the afterglow, spent, exhausted on the sand.

But anyway, that memory certainly didn’t help the predicament I was in now. Jake was sleeping and I was incredibly horny. I decided I would take matters into my own hands and see if he would rise to the occasion.

I contemplated sitting over his face, making him awake to scent of a soaking pussy, but I figured a blowjob might be more effective. Since that night years ago, I’d become a pro at blowjobs. I knew what strokes he liked, how fast or slow, what pressure to use and where to put my tongue to make him go absolutely raving mad. On our wedding night, I even tried a little anal on him, right before he was going to cum. It was so unexpected and he came so hard, I knew it wouldn’t be the last time.

I crept into the room where he was sleeping and knelt down and removed his boxers. He stirred, but didn’t awaken. I moistened my hand and stroked his flaccid cock until I felt it rise against my hand. I leaned my head down between his legs, took him into my mouth and heard him moan. He was definitely no longer asleep. As I climbed on top of him, I said, “Good morning, honey,” and I straddled his now rock hard cock. Jake responded, by simply smiling, leaning back and letting me do all the “work”.

Well, ok, so Jake isn’t such a bastard to wake up. Just have to know the right technique, I guess. Maybe one day I’ll let him in on my secret…

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