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What you are about to read is a true story. The names have been changed to protect our identities, but all of the events are described as they actually happened.

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years now. We’re your typical middle-class couple in our 30s, with a nice house, nice cars and nice kids. My wife is an attractive brunette, 5’4″ tall, 36C breasts, nice hips, a firm ass and a flat stomach. I’m a 6’3″ tall, pretty muscular guy with a little padding, generally solid all around.

OK, here’s the background for this story: At the time of this story, I recently had shoulder surgery to correct an old sports injury. The recovery and rehabilitation was painful and slow. I was on prescription pain killers to keep the pain under control, but they had the unfortunate side effect of causing me to be pretty much impotent while I was taking them.

I tried going without the pills a couple of times to get it up and pleasure my wife, but the pain was too uncomfortable for me and my wife really couldn’t stay in the mood when she saw me wincing in pain. Now, my wife isn’t a “hot wife” or “cock slut” or any of the other clichés you see on the Internet, but she does like to have sex at least twice a week. She was trying to be understanding about my situation, but I could tell she was starting to get a bit pent-up after 3 weeks of no sex.

A former co-worker/friend of mine called me a few days in advance of traveling through our area on business, so he wanted to see if we could get together. Years ago, we used to get together with his other friends for LAN parties and “guys night out” movie nights; we’d spent many a nights talking about all sorts of stuff, but several times when we were just hanging out together and pretty buzzed, we also talked about our sex lives with my wife/his girlfriend. He’d told me that he thought my wife was hot, but stopped short of saying he’d like to do her (which was implied.) His girlfriend was hot and I think they did some swinging, but I thought it best not to tell him that I’d nail his girlfriend in a heartbeat if I wasn’t already married. Anyway, I told him to plan on going out to eat and staying at our place while he was in the area. He heartily agreed, adding that it would be great to hang out together just like old times.

After hanging up the phone, I called my wife to tell her that my friend would be staying with us. She was pleasantly surprised to hear this, as she really liked my friend. She asked if his girlfriend would be coming too, but I informed her that they had broken up a few months ago. She was bummed to hear that news (we always thought those two were great together and would make a great married couple), but we pretty much left it as “well, those things happen” and moved on.

Since our wedding day, I’ve always had the fantasy of seeing my wife have sex with another man, but she really wasn’t into the idea at all. Neither my wife nor I were virgins when we started dating, so we knew what other cock/pussy was like. Even so, she was never really interested. I think her biggest issue with it was being shy and perhaps being a little embarrassed about the night before our wedding where she got a little out of control with me and some friends. In terms of the “other man” fantasy, we role-played in bed, sometimes playing that she was doing another man while I was away. She admitted that it was a fun game to play, but other than that wild night at my bachelor party, she really wasn’t interested in screwing outside our marriage. My wife told me that she might have sex with another guy if it was totally anonymous and the “circumstances were right”, so I always held out hope that it’d happen again one day.

To be honest, I don’t really recall the details that led up to the discussion. But one way or the other, were in bed one night, reading and talking when my wife turned the subject to sex. I was pretty defensive at this point, as I was frustrated as her about my inability to perform. I offered to bring her off with my mouth and hand, but she really didn’t want to cum that way. My wife kissed me and put her head on my shoulder, telling me how glad she would be once everything was “working” again. I told her the therapist said it’d probably be at least another week at least before the therapy would really start to get me over the hump with regard to pain (which would be the point I could get off the damn pain pills.) She sighed in understanding disappointment…damn I hated that.

I asked my wife if she really needed me or would any good stiff dick do the job for her? I mean, we had several strap-ons that I could use on her…but she said they didn’t feel as good (she’d tried them already)…she wanted the real thing.

I told her that I wouldn’t mind if she had sex with someone else, just to help her out, but she quickly said she didn’t want to do that. Knowing she really was OK with having anonymous sex with another man under very specific circumstances, I asked my wife if she’d allow my friend to do her while he stayed with us.

My wife got really quiet for a moment and then said, “I couldn’t do it…I don’t think I could look him in the face the same way after we did that.”

I thought for a moment, and then said, “Well, what if you don’t see each other at all? I mean, if you can’t see him and he can’t see you…just touching…would you go for that?”

My wife thought for a moment, and then asked, “Just how could we pull that off?”

I told her I’d think about it and see what we could come up with. We kissed and drifted off to sleep not long after that.

Soon enough, my friend had arrived in town. My mom took the kids to her place for a sleepover, so we were free to have some fun, just like the old days. My friend, my wife and I went out to a local road house for some exquisitely charred flesh and drinks. I’d love to say that we all got drunk and took turns spinning my sexy bride around the dance floor, but really, we just ended up drinking and talking about old times for about two hours. I couldn’t drink because of the medication I was on, so I was the designated driver for the evening. I drove us back to our place, where we broke out a movie and some more drinks while we chatted.

It was getting late and my friend stepped outside for a smoke, so I went with him while my wife excused herself to get ready for bed.

Skipping the small talk and setup stuff, I asked my friend what he thought of my wife.

He responded that she was still amazing, even after having kids.

I laughed and agreed, because it was a true statement. I mentioned that she was really hot lately, due to my inability to perform due to my medicated condition. I looked him in the eye and asked him straight-up if he’d like to help us out.

My friend asked me just what kind of help we wanted.

I told him that I’d like for him to have sex with my wife.

He broke our gaze for a second as he thought and then looked me in the eye and said, “Sure.”

I told him about my wife being shy and everything, but I thought I had a plan in mind that would make sure everyone had a good time. I asked my friend if he’d follow my lead, to which he agreed, so I excused myself to go talk to my wife.

I found my wife in bed, naked except for her glasses and a magazine. When I walked into our bedroom, she set her magazine down and looked at me suggestively.

“So, I imagine you’ve got some sort of plan in that lovely, twisted imagination of yours that is going to get me laid tonight?” she said, grinning.

I grinned back, “Maybe…it all depends on you.”

I quickly told her my plan, to which she replied with thoughtful silence. “Okay,” is all she said and beckoned me over for a kiss.

I told her to get on her hands and knees and wait…I’d be right back. I looked back at her before I shut off the lights…she looked so sexy and vulnerable as she waited for what was to come. I slipped into the hall closet to grab some essential gear and went back up stairs.

Once I was back upstairs, I told my friend that my wife would play ball, so I once again asked him if he wanted to do this.

He looked at me and said, “Dude, you know I think your wife is hot and that I’d love to get down her pants. This will be great for both of us.”

I smiled in return and told him to follow me. I led him to the top of the steps leading to our bedroom and turned off the lights. I am a collector of historic military items, so I’ve got a lot of strange-but-sometimes-useful gear hanging around the house. I’d grabbed a pair of Russian night-vision goggles from the closet, which I slipped over my head and turned on. I told him to take off his clothes. My friend disrobed, not explicitly knowing I could see everything. He was already partially erect, so I grabbed his hand and put a condom package in his hand.

“Here, you’ll need this,” I said.

“I can’t see shit…I hope you know where we’re going,” he said.

I told him to relax and that I was going to lead him by the hand. My friend held out his hand and I led him down the steps in complete darkness (the bedrooms are in the basement level of our house.) I led him into the bedroom, observing my wife’s obscene posture in the pale-green light of the goggles.

I led my friend to the edge of the bed and whispered in his ear to get himself “at full attention and put on the condom.” He whispered back, asking where my wife was…to which I whispered in reply that she was waiting naked, doggy-style on the bed 5 feet in front of him. That statement by itself brought his half-erect cock to full-staff…he then rolled the condom onto his pole and looked in my direction. I guided him onto the bed and whispered for him to take it from there.

My friend felt his way onto the bed, first finding her foot, then her calf…and worked his way up. My wife sighed slightly as he started to touch her. I sat on the loveseat next to the bed and watched everything as he slowly began to rub her thighs and butt (which she loves almost as much as having her nipples played with.) Soon, my friend’s hands felt their way to her pussy and he parted her lips with his fingers. Even in the greenish glow of the night-vision goggles, I could see she was wet and ready, but he lowered his mouth to her pussy and ate her for a minute, bringing soft moans and hip movements from my wife.

My friend soon raised his mouth from her honey-pot and lined up his stiff cock at the entrance to her pussy. He slowly pushed into my wife, bringing the loudest moan I’d heard from my wife in a long time. He started working in and out of her, grabbing her hips and pulling her onto him. My wife bowed her back and started playing with her nips and clit and pushed back hard onto his stiff dick.

I’d told my friend that, once he made her cum the first time, if he kept at it good and hard, she could come up to 4-5 times quickly before she started to dry out and get sore. He took this advice to heart, as he slowly worked her up to her first orgasm, teasing her but not letting her go over the edge. Soon, I could tell by her moans that she was going to cum…my friend must’ve gotten the same hint and started shagging her with slow, deep strokes, slowly building in speed as he plunged deep into her. My wife almost yelled as she came hard…he was lucky he was behind her, as her legs and hips locked up hard and would’ve prevented him from keeping up his attack on her pussy. My wife relaxed after a several seconds, but my friend kept banging way, varying his depth and intensity of stroke, but still keeping her going the whole time. All-in-all, I counted 3 orgasms for my wife before my friend tensed up and emptied himself into my wife.

About 30 seconds later, my friend pulled out of her ravaged pussy and pulled off the condom. My wife collapsed over onto her back, with her legs obscenely spread as she basked in her sexual after-glow. My friend put his hand on her hip (to locate her, I think) and then leaned down started kissing her on the mouth. They kissed passionately for a minute or so before I saw her hand encircle his semi-hard cock and start stroking it. (Jeez, all of this was happening only feet away from me, yet I couldn’t even get more than half-hard…no way near hard enough to stroke to completion, which I desperately wanted to do!)

After another minute or so, she had worked him back to full attention. My friend rose up and moved his cock up to her mouth. My wife wasted no time in sucking him into her mouth. She sucks cock really well (best BJs I’ve ever had) and it appears that my friend thought so too. My wife was stroking him with her hand while she dove up and down with her mouth, occasionally swirling her tongue around the head of his cock before making it disappear into her warm wetness again. Pretty soon, my wife had my friend on his back, clawing at the bed in pleasure as she worked his tool in between her full lips.

I’d helped my wife refine her technique when I was approaching orgasm…she would suck on just the head hard (kind of like how you would suck a lollipop), run her tongue under the helmet and stroke me fast with her hand. I saw her go into this maneuver on my friend’s cock, so I knew he was a goner…she would have him cumming all over the place in less than a minute!

My friend started tensing and grunting as my wife sucked him over the edge. He scream-grunted “FUCK,aaahhhh” as he shot into her mouth, his cum running out of the sides of her mouth and down his shaft as she sucked him all the way through his orgasm.

My wife dropped his softening cock from her mouth, quietly spitting the last of his cum into a tissue. She straddled him, setting her sloppy snatch onto his shiny cock and lay down on top of him. My wife rested her head on his shoulder as he brought his arms around her in an embrace. My friend looked “all fucked out” as he rubbed my wife’s back.

I was surprised at the intimacy of the moment…my wife later told me that she really got into the whole darkness thing. She wasn’t focusing on fucking my friend…she said she was pretending he was me and was giving him all of her love that she only gave to me. That sounds corny, I know, but knowing my wife as well as I do, it made sense to me because I don’t think she could have let loose as much as she did if she kept being reminded she was with another guy.

I thought they were all done, but my wife started softly kissing my friend again while he started rubbing her back and squeezing the firm mounds of her ass. They slowly got hotter and hotter until he was hard again and she was dry-humping her pussy onto his bone. She especially loves to work a guy’s cock into her pussy without anyone using their hands and she was soon grinding her way towards that goal. She rolled her hips as she ground into him, teasing the tip closer to her hole.

One last push and grind bent his cock against her hairy, wet flesh…and then the head popped inside her. My wife threw her head back and moaned as she raised her upper body off him as she sunk onto his cock. My wife loves the feel of a naked cock in her pussy. She moaned in ecstasy as she slowly rode up and down onto his stiff shaft.

It was really hot seeing her fuck him in the raw, but knowing my friend’s swinging past, I figured I’d better remind him to use a condom, even if my wife had lost her good sense to the heat of the moment. I put a condom in my friend’s hand and he got the hint. She rose up off him enough so we could roll on the condom and then resumed her position on top of his dick.

My wife leaned forward and pushed her titties into my friend’s face, so he reached up and began squeezing her breasts as he loudly sucked on her nipples. I don’t know how my friend managed to keep it up after cumming twice in quick succession, but somehow he kept hard enough for her to get him inside her one last time.

My wife was totally driving things now…she ground him deep inside her pussy for a few minutes and then rolled off him and onto her back, spreading her legs wide and telling him to get on top. My friend obliged and sunk all the way into her musky cunt. He grabbed her shoulders as she held her legs open with her hands as he fucked her hard, making wet, squishing sounds as he pumped her full of his dick. My wife pulled him down to her for a kiss and then held him to her as they fucked each other hard. She was moaning and grunting commands to him, telling him to “do it harder…deeper…ohhhh, yeahlikethat…go…go…go!” My wife started letting out her usual throaty pre-orgasm moans, each building in volume until WHAM…she went over the edge and started grunting and grinding in a powerful orgasm! Her face was contorted in pain, but her hips and legs were gyrating in intense pleasure. This was by far her most intense orgasm of the night…her pussy had to be crushing his dick inside her as she spasmed. Sure enough, my friend pumped a few more times and grunted as he filled the thin rubber sac separating their two bodies.

My wife and friend were exhausted as they pulled apart. I could tell they were both done because the room was silent, except for their heavy breathing and the creak of the bed underneath them. The room was thick with the intoxicating smell of sex. My friend moved over and sat on the edge of the bed, sporting an “omigod-that-was-the-monster-fuck-of-a-lifetime” look on his face.

I looked over at my wife, laying there in her glorious nakedness, sighing contentedly. She looked so sexy and beautiful, even after an hour of almost non-stop sexual action. I wished I could have taken her right there, but instead, I went over and kissed her on the lips and told her I’d be back in a minute.

I took my friend by the hand and led him back up to his clothes. Once he had dressed, I took off the goggles and turned on the lights. He smiled and shook my hand, thanking me for that great time. I smiled back and told him thanks for helping us out. He went up to the guest area of the house for the night and I went back down to my wife.

We lay on the bed, kissing and talking and me occasionally rubbing her hot, wet, finally-satisfied pussy. It seemed that neither of us could stop smiling, both of us a little giddy about what had just happened. To this day, we both still remember that night fondly.

Now, at this closing point of the story, you might be thinking that this is your standard “friend bangs wife” story you read all over the place, but keep in mind that my wife and my friend never saw each other during this entire episode. They never saw each other naked, only felt each other while they fucked wildly. I was the only visual witness to the event, thanks to a convenient piece of Cold War-era technology. This is what makes this whole episode so unique and amazingly hot for all three of us. My wife and friend would never have gotten together without the cover of darkness…but I was able to make all of this work out in a very satisfying way. We’ve never been with my friend again, but who knows what the future holds.

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