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The steaks and spuds, off the grill, were something else, and the wines that everyone, including Jan and I, brought went down very easily. The meal was slow and leisurely, and afterwards, we sat out on the deck and drank and talked. Nick mixed up a big pitcher of margaritas, and they were delicious. A second pitcher disappeared as quickly as the first had. We were all well on our way to being bombed.

The dress that Jan had purchased at the mall that afternoon was great and she looked very sexy in it. It was long, sleeveless, and buttoned up the front. She had started out with all the buttons done up, but over the course of the evening, as the liquor took its toll on her, buttons seemed to come undone on their own. Bob Brennan, Nick’s young office manager was practically drooling over her. I was eyeing his wife, Barbie, who could easily be mistaken for a fashion model. She was wearing a tight white knit shirt and a black mini that ended not much more than a couple of inches below her pussy. She was not wearing a bra on her small, perky tits and her erect nipples caught my eye every time I looked at her. Bridget, a co-worker of Madeleine’s, and her husband Thomas made up the rest of the party. Bridget was dressed more conservatively than the others, but looked pretty damn good, nevertheless.

And then there was Madeleine. Madeleine was more luscious than I had ever seen her. Maybe it was the fact that I was horny enough to fuck a bagel, but I didn’t think so. She had a glow that only fair skinned strawberry blondes have, and those breasts, I’m sure they were calling to me.

I was giving her my advice on where she and Nick should go for their winter vacation, and while we weren’t snuggled up together on the lounge, it was only a two-seater and we were close. Jan announced, her speech a bit slurred, that she was going to make the margaritas this time. Nick suggested that he give her a hand, or they might not be drinkable. You see, Jan doesn’t handle her booze that well. As Jan stood up to head for the kitchen, Thomas announced that they were on their way, they had kid commitments early in the morning. They thanked the host and hostess and let themselves out the door. Nick turned and went into the kitchen and Madeleine and I resumed our conversation about winter vacations.

I had been eyeing Madeleine’s cleavage all evening, and as usual, she had approved, with little smiles and winks and so on. As we sat talking about Caribbean resorts, I did something I had wanted to do so many times, I impulsively reached out and gently cupped her breast. She stopped in the middle of the sentence and closed her eyes and seemed to savor my touch. I thought that she would pull back after a few seconds, but she didn’t. Rather, she delicately put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to hers for a kiss. We kissed for a few seconds, then pulled apart. I looked up to find Barbie staring at us, wide eyed. She had a reputation as a gossip and the likelihood of my minor dalliance with Madeleine being spread all over town passed through my drink and lust fogged brain. “Well, it’s too late now, so fuck it” I thought, then winked at her. Having enjoyed the short kiss very much, I leaned into Madeleine again, and this time, let my tongue dance against hers as we smooched passionately. My hand touched her breast again, and she brought hers up to hold it in place as her nipple hardened against my palm. When we finally parted, she whispered, “I think we better cool it here, cowboy. You’re making me far too hot.” “Me, too!” I thought.

It was time for another Margarita. What was keeping those bartenders? “Want another drink?” I asked around the room. Barbie shook her head and cocked her thumb at Bob. He was asleep against the arm of the couch. “Nothing for him either” she giggled. Madeleine nodded, and I rose and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

Nick had knocked out the back wall of the original kitchen and had added a breakfast room and it was there I found Nick and Jan. The pitcher of margaritas sat on the well lit counter, but our host and my wife were in the darkened area on the other side of the counter. Actually I had to assume she was there at first, because all I could see was Nick’s face. He was slumped in a chair, and the counter blocked my view until I took another quiet step forward. That’s when the top of Jan’s head rose into view as she bobbed in his lap. All I could hear in the otherwise quiet kitchen was the soft slurp of my wife’s mouth on Nick’s hard cock, and the harsh rasp of his breath. He looked at me through half closed eyes and as I watched, he reached out and held her head between his hands and shuddered as he came in her mouth. She groaned around his cock, and swallowed loudly. At that instant a hand gripped my shoulder. I turned to see Madeleine’s eyes on the two lovers. Jan came up for air and Madeleine gasped when she realized that the white drool down Jan’s chin wasn’t spittle.

“You bastard! You skinny little weasel! So this is what you’ve been up to lately. I knew something was going on.” She turned and strode out of the room as only an angry woman can. I watched Jan scoop the semen off of her chin and suck it daintily off her finger, then I turned and followed Madeleine.

Barbie was standing in the doorway, wide eyed. She gave me a weird ‘now the shit’s gonna hit the fan’ grin and giggled. “Did she really just suck him off?”

Madeleine was standing at the base of the stairway, hanging onto the newel post as I walked up to her and put my hand on her arm. “I take it you didn’t know about this? I asked. She looked at me, comprehending what I was saying. “You did? How long has this been going on?” I told her. “You’ve known for that long and haven’t done anything?” She asked. “Why not?” What’s the matter with you. You’re not afraid of Nick, are you?”

“,” I stuttered, “Its not that. I don’t know if I can tell you. Christ, this is embarrassing.”

You aren’t like Nick, are you? He keeps telling me that he wants to be there to watch as some other man screws me.” I was blushing furiously, and I’m sure it was a dead giveaway. “That’s is isn’t it? You’ve been watching them. Haven’t you? I knew it! You bastard!” She wasn’t quite right, of course, but close enough. She giggled and shook her finger at me. “Well, whatever turns you on. That is, unless it’s my husband, that little Greek Casanova.” She wasn’t laughing now. Then the smile came back , but it wasn’t a happy smile. “I’ll teach the dirty little fucker. Come on…” and she grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the stairs.

She dragged me into their bedroom and pushed me back onto the bed, and I lay there watching as she turned the lock on the doorknob. “There, that’ll piss him off. He’ll go crazy wondering what we’re doing in here.” She laughed once more as she looked at me stretched out on the bed. “Do you know how hot you were getting me earlier? I wanted to fuck you so badly, and now I’m going to do just that.” She said as she pulled her sweater over her head, then unfastened her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Her bra and panties fell away and she stood there. “What a goddess,” I thought. My eyes held hers for a second or two, then dropped. Her heavy breasts drooped naturally, tipped by bright red erect nipples. Pink areolae and creamy white breast flesh. A small rounded belly. White thighs separated at her cunt by a thick mop of reddish blonde hair, not quite hiding bright pink labia, swollen and wet from our earlier kissing and fondling. My cock was making a tent in my pants. She pulled them off and cuddled beside me, holding my erection as we kissed. The door rattled quietly. Then a soft “Madeleine? Are you in there?” “Screw off, Nicky, we’re busy.” With an emphasis on the ‘we’re’.

She rolled over on top of me and brought her mouth up close of mine as if to kiss me, but rather, mouthed the words I’d been wanting to hear, “Fuck me!”

It was the best sex I’d had in a long time, even better than the frenzied fucking that had taken place after discovering Jan’s infidelity. Nick must have gone crazy. I know I would have, because, as I found out, Madeleine was a screamer. Her orgasms were frantic, loud, thrashing affairs that evidently wore her out. She was asleep when we couldn’t fuck any more and lay there, breathing regularly, a stream of my ejaculate soaking the sheets under her ass. Nick was nowhere to be seen as I let myself out the back door.

Jan was up when I walked into the house and immediately lit into me.. “How could you fuck her, you bastard! Of all the dirty things to do!” I was stunned and I looked at her, wondering if she had continued to drink after things got crazy at Nick and Madeleine’s. She looked sober. Very sober and very serious. There were tears forming in her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding,” I told her. You’ve been fucking her husband for weeks now. You gave him a blowjob right in front of that motormouth bitch, Barbie, and the whole town is going to know what a slut you are. Now you’re pissed at me for getting caught up in something I had no intention of getting caught up in, and getting fucked better than I’ve been in months. What a joke this is!” I regretted saying the bit about it being such good sex that the instant the words came out of my mouth. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but it was the truth.

I ended up sleeping in the spare room that night. The next day, we spoke very little. I certainly wasn’t about to apologize for my quick bout of screwing with Madeleine, and it appeared that Jan wasn’t about to forgive me. Just after lunch, Nick came over to tell us that Madeleine had left, that she had just taken a cab to the airport and was going to visit her brother and his family in London. He said she wanted some time to think about things and would be back in a month or maybe longer. When we were alone, he told me that he wasn’t at all concerned about me fucking her, but wished that he could have watched. I told her how upset Jan was that I had fucked his wife. “What can I say,” he shrugged. “Hopefully, she’ll get over it.”

Things went downhill from that point on. That evening, Jan went to see Nick, ‘just to see how he’s doing,’ as she put it. Neither of us said anything about what might happen while she was there, but I was relatively certain she was going there for sex. It was several hours before she returned, and when she did, it was fairly obvious that she had been doing something other that just visiting. Her lipstick was smeared, her hair was pretty badly messed up, and she smelled of sex. She didn’t tell me anything, as we were still not speaking much, and went off to shower as I settled in to sleep in the spare room again. I lay awake for a while that night, thinking about what I was going to do. Lots of scenarios ran through my mind, and but the only one that made sense, was to sit down and talk to Jan to see if we could work through this.

The following morning, I persuaded her to sit down with me and talk. We talked about how we felt about each other and how we viewed the things that had happened recently. She told me that she still loved me, but was still very angry that I had fucked Madeleine. She admitted that, logically, she shouldn’t be upset at all, but her emotions were overruling logic. I too, confessed that I had not lost my love for her, but was losing patience with her continued dalliances with Nick. She promised me that she wouldn’t fuck him again, that it was over. I apologized for upsetting her by doing what I had done with Madeleine, it certainly hadn’t been my intention, but I stopped short of telling her that I was sorry for doing the dirty deed itself. In the end, it was a good discussion, and we promised each other that, because we loved each other, we would try hard to work things through.

The next several days were great, relatively speaking, we got along well, we went out for dinner together, we even kissed and cuddled when we got home from our evening out. There was no sex yet however, as she said it made her think of me screwing Madeleine, I was sure our relationship was on the mend.

Then it all caved in. I came home from work early and as I came in through the kitchen, I could hear Jan moaning. I made my way quietly to the bedroom. She was on her knees, holding onto the bed’s headboard as Nick fucked her from behind. As he drew back, pulling his prick out of her, I could see that he was in her where I had never been, that his rigid cock was stuffed into her anus. My head spun.

It was as arousing a scene as I had ever scene, but heart wrenching as well. My hand went to my stiff cock and as I stroked it through my pants, Jan turned. She looked panicky until she noticed my hard-on. Her expression changed and the little self satisfied smirk she sometime gave me when she knew she had beaten me appeared, and in an heartbeat, my lust and dismay turned to anger. I turned and left the room, slamming the door behind me. A minute or two later Jan, in her robe, was in the kitchen with a scared look on her face. “I’m sorry, Greg. Please, you’ve got to believe that I didn’t intend for that to happen.”

I was fighting to control my fury. “Sweetheart, I don’t really care if you intended to take his cock up your ass this afternoon or not. The point is, you did, you bitch!” I paused for breath, then said it. “Get out! Pack your shit and go live with Nick. I don’t care any more.”

She begged me to let her stay, but I had had enough, and I asked Nick to take her and leave.

The next weeks were hell! I regretted making her leave from the second she walked out the door, I missed her every waking second, but I knew she wasn’t going to change her ways. She was addicted to sex with Nick.

Over the following weeks, I struggled to keep going. Depression had taken hold, and only the thought of somehow winning Jan’s soul back from Nick kept me moving. Derek and Fiona were there for me, and tried to keep my spirits up. Fiona was the optimist of the two, reassuring me that it would all work out.

I saw Jan from time to time, and each time I did, she begged me to let her come home. I told her that we would be together again when the time was right, which seemed to placate her a bit.

One evening, about five weeks after I had thrown Jan out, I was sitting watching the late news. There was a breaking story about a fire at a downtown construction site, where a night watchman had been seriously burned. The news anchor went on to say that the police were investigating it as a criminal matter, that arson was suspected. The next evening, as I sat looking out the kitchen window, a couple of police cars pulled up in front of Nick’s house and a bunch of cops went into the house. Nick was led away in handcuffs. I went over to see if Jan was there, wondering if she was OK. I knocked and she peeked out. She opened the door at once, and let me in. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked scared. I wanted to take her in my arms and tell her that everything was going to be OK, but I couldn’t.

She told me how the police had come rushing into the house and had slammed Nick up against a wall, before reading him his rights. They told him he was to be charged with arson and the attempted murder of the watchman at the construction site, and had handcuffed him and taken him away. “I’m so scared, Greg, I don’t know what to do.”

I looked at her, amazed at the message I was getting from her. :”You knew he was going to do this? I asked incredulously. “How could you let it happen? I know you well enough to know that you’re not the kind of person to let someone get hurt like this.”

She turned her back on me and sobbed into her hands. “I didn’t know what he was going to do, I just knew that something was going to happen. He came home from the office really pissed off a couple of weeks ago, was ranting and raving about some company that had stolen a job away form him, said he’d fix their wagon. He’d taken off after supper several times in the past week, but wouldn’t tell me where he was going. You told me about the rumors you’d heard about him and I wondered if he was up to something. Actually I was hoping he was doing something like that, because the alternative was that he was doing the same to me as he’d done to Madeleine, going out to screw some new woman. Once I saw the news the other night, I knew it which one it was right away.”

I told her that she’d be better off to deny any knowledge of what had gone on. I didn’t think that she could be held responsible by any twist of the imagination, but it was better to be cautious.

“What’s going to happen now? She asked.

“I’m not to sure,” I responded. I’ve never been involved in anything like this. I’d guess that they’ll have some sort of preliminary hearing, then his lawyer will apply to have him released on bail, he should be back here sometime tomorrow.”

She looked at me uncertainly after hearing that. “Greg,” she said in a voice so low it was almost a whisper, “Can I come home? My heart wanted me to scream “Yes! Yes! Yes!”, but my brain said that it wasn’t time, at least not yet. I still didn’t trust her not to go rushing back to Nick once he was free again, and I told her no.

Before I left, I suggested to Jan that Madeleine should be advised about what had happened with Nick, and that it would be best if I called. I got her brother’s phone number in London and phoned as soon as I got in the door. After a brief explanation of what had happened, she asked if there was any need for her to be here immediately. I told her there wasn’t and she said she’d give me a call once she had booked her flight.

She phoned a few days later. The earliest reasonably priced flight she could get was two weeks away, and she was worried that that was a long wait. I told her it was OK, because Nick’s trial date was still a month off. I got her flight information and told her I would pick her up at the airport when she arrived. Then she asked me, “Greg, I know the very last time we saw each other, I had just taken complete advantage of you, not that I’m suggesting you didn’t have a good time too, but would it be too much to ask if I could stay with you. I’m not ready to go back to living with Nick” I guessed that she hadn’t spoken with Nick since she left for England, so I filled her in on what had happened since. She was surprised, to say the least.

Two weeks later, I was on my way to the airport to pick Madeleine up. I really had no idea as to how I should greet her. We had had sex once, in an odd situation, so one wouldn’t be expected to greet her as a lover. On the other hand, we were more than just friends and neighbors. Shit, I didn’t know! I was just gonna have to play it by ear.

She solved the problem for me as she wrapped her arms around me at the gate. Her kiss was more than neighborly, as a matter of fact it was as close to sex as one could get in public.

“I’ve thought about nothing since I left last night but the sound fucking you gave me the last time we saw each other. Can we go home now and do it again? Please.” She whispered in my ear.

The next several weeks were most interesting. Madeleine admitted that, since hearing that Jan and I were no longer together, she hoped that I would receive her as a lover when she returned. She hadn’t encountered anyone with whom she wanted sex since she had left for England, and had spent a lot of time thinking about our one short night of drunken passion.

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