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Jenny: We crossed the yard to our back door in total silence. I could only guess at Dave’s thoughts, he seemed upset but I wasn’t sure if it was at Lisa, himself or me. I had been shocked at Lisa’s bold actions but also just a little bit envious. After all, she’d satisfied her curiosity, while I had only a hint of what Tom looked like. I should have been thankful for getting out before things went any further but the truth was that I’d found myself hoping to see more. Once inside, I put my arms around Dave, “Lisa sure is a brazen little thing isn’t she?”

Dave: I was more than a little confused. I had a thousand thoughts and questions for Jen. But, as Jen said, we crossed the yard in silence. I still couldn’t believe all that had happened. And I was still terribly embarrassed by my exposure. So, even though I felt the whole thing needed discussing, I couldn’t form the proper thoughts, never mind the words. When Jen spoke all I could manage was a quiet, “Yes, she certainly is.”

Jenny: I think I was as confused as Dave at that point. There was so much I wanted to ask him; about deep throat, about his obvious embarrassment, and about Lisa’s odd expression but I wasn’t sure just how to approach it all. Besides, I was worried that if we started discussing it all, I would have to face the curiosity I felt about Tom and the fact that I really did want to see what he had in those sweats. Things might have never gone any further had Lisa not come over the next afternoon. She made no mention of the night the before but instead brought me a small present. It was the tiniest bikini I’d ever seen, what they call a string I guessed. She invited us back for hamburgers and a swim and told me to be sure to wear my new suit.

Dave: When Jen told me of our plans for the evening, I was a bit surprised. But I assumed that she had decided to put the previous night behind us and just forget about it. So, I put on a pair of trunks and a T-shirt and joined Jen, who was wearing an oversized T-shirt, which reached to her knees. As soon as we arrived at Tom and Lisa’s, Lisa asked, “You are wearing it, aren’t you Jen?” When Jenny blushed and nodded yes, I asked “Wearing what?” Lisa looked at me in surprise and smiled, then turned to Jen and said “Why don’t you show us all your new suit?” Jen blushed deeper but barely hesitated, lifting the oversized T-shirt off and revealing the smallest string bikini I’d ever seen. But apparently even this exposure wasn’t enough for Lisa. Approaching Jen to “adjust” the suit, Lisa pulled a couple strings and Jen stood before us naked.

Jenny: I think I squealed and tried to cover up the best I could, wildly looking from one to the other. Lisa was laughing, Tom was grinning broadly and Dave’s mouth was fighting between dropping open and hiding his own appreciative grin. One hand and arm was trying to cover up both my boobs, not an easy trick when they are truly a DD. The other hand covered my mound which, for the first time ever, I’d shaved, in order to wear the bikini. I’d worn the suit knowing full well that it was very revealing but I’d never dreamed of having to stand there in front of our friends in a full-body blush. No words would come, I just kept stammering as I tried to think. I finally grabbed at my T-shirt but Tom was twirling it on one finger and easily moved it beyond my reach.

Dave: When Jenny further exposed herself in her vain attempt to recover her T-shirt it confirmed what I thought I’d seen – she’d shaven herself bare. Too shocked for words or actions I collapsed into a chair as Lisa noticed too and commented, “I thought you’d have to shave to wear that suit, Jen. That’ll make the view so much clearer, later.” Then turning to Tom she said, “But first things first. I believe it’s time we taught Jen about deepthroat, Tom.” And with that, Tom dropped his trunks and my worst fears were exceeded.

Jenny: I had been about to say something to Dave about my newly shorn mound but the look on his face along with Lisa’s comment turned my attention toward Tom. My embarrassment quickly turned to awe. It had all happened so quickly that Tom was just beginning to get hard. My first thought at seeing him was that, even limp, his cock was bigger than Dave’s was at full erection. I stared in stunned fascination as it grew longer and thicker until it stood at full attention. Tom grinned at the awe written all over my face. “I think one this size will be adequate for you to learn how to deep-throat Jen,” he chuckled. My mind was reeling. Turning to Dave in my confusion I blurted, “OH Dave! Look at this. He must be twice as long as you, maybe two and a half times, and it’s at least as twice as thick.” The math in my head came naturally, the calculation automatic…twice as thick, squared, two and a half times as long, “It’s ten times the cock I’m used to. There’s no way I can get that into my mouth, no way…. no way.”

Dave: Jen’s always been a math buff, so I knew her calculation had been done and spoken automatically. Still, I was stunned by them and even more stunned by the tone of longing that belied the “no way” that followed. Lisa giggled wickedly at Jen’s words. Then she dropped to her knees in front of Tom and in one long bob, proceeded to take all of his massive member. Backing off, she alternately licked it, sucked it, nibbled it, and took it to the balls. After several minutes of this, she turned to Jenny and said, “That’s what they call deep-throat Jen”. Then grinning evilly at me, she added, “Of course the cock’s gotta be big enough to reach the throat.” She then rose to her feet and backed away from Tom, saying, “OK Jen, your turn.”

Jenny: I’d watched Lisa swallow that massive cock, wondering how she kept from gagging on it and yet at the same time wondering what it might feel like. I suddenly understood the meaning of “deep throat”. Part of me was anxious to try it, most of me was terrified at the thought. Some of me was also concerned about Dave’s reaction to my fondling another man’s cock but as I glanced at him, I noticed there was a definite bulge in his trunks. Forgetting my own nakedness for a moment, I knelt in front of Tom and reached with one hand to tentatively touch the huge head. I heard Tom’s laughing encouragement, “Go ahead Jen, it won’t bite you! It might make it easier if you get it good and wet first.”

Dave: As Jenny reached hesitantly for Tom, I found the strength to stand and say, “Jenny, don’t you think things have gone far enough? Look at you, kneeling naked before an equally naked near- stranger, not even bothering to cover yourself. Then I motioned to Lisa who had been standing next to me, watching with glee, “And all due to the manipulations of this…what did you call her…this brazen little thing.” As I said the words, Jenny pulled her hand away from Tom. Lisa quickly countered with, “That’s right, Jen, look at yourself. Your nipples are hard. And the lips of your naked pussy are swollen and leaking. The only thing that could make you look sexier is for you to be bobbing up and down on Tom’s cock.” Then she turned to me and said, “And Jen, despite his words, that’s exactly what he’s thinking now, too. See.” And with that, Lisa reached out and pantsed me, and for the second time in two nights, my under-sized erection was revealed.

Jenny: Lisa was right of course, on all counts. My nipples were hard and my shaven pussy burned, not with embarrassment but with desire for that gigantic cock. I could feel the juices beginning to trickle down my legs. Although he might never admit it, Dave was extremely aroused by what he was seeing and anticipating. His erection was as large as I’d ever seen it and I could see it throbbing. His face was red with embarrassment at Lisa’s actions but there was definitely something else in his eyes and suddenly I knew that despite his words, he wanted to see me swallow Tom’s huge cock. Even as these thoughts went through my mind, Tom reached out and pinched a nipple with one hand while his other guided his purple plum-like head across my lips. Lisa was giving encouragement, “Go on Jenny! You can do it!” A low moan escaped my throat as I placed both hands on Tom’s shaft and lowered my tongue to lick the drops of precum glistening on his tip. I heard Dave moan, due to agony or pleasure I’m not sure but I was beyond stopping.

Dave: Of course I had an erection. My wife had just minutes before been revealed to my eyes more naked than she’d ever been before. After my own exposure the previous evening, which she had encouraged, I felt vindicated in a sense by her embarrassment. Add to that the sight of a cute little vixen – despite my other, recently developed feelings towards her, I must admit Lisa is adorable looking – gobbling a huge cock. And yes, part of me was stimulated by the sight of this even more beautiful woman with her hands wrapped almost around and tongue on the tip of that same cock. But that beautiful woman was my wife Jenny. As I realized that I had encouraged all that had happened up to the previous night and that nothing I could now say would stop her I moaned. And then, in one last colossal blunder, I uttered the words, “Jenny, why?

Jenny: “Why? – WHY?” I asked, turning my head Dave’s direction but not really lifting it from Tom’s cock. My hands remained on his shaft, encircling almost but not completely around it. “Take a good look here Dave,” I said quietly. “My hands will not completely fit around this shaft. It’s longer, thicker and just all over bigger than any cock I’ve ever imagined. Look at this head, it’s as big as a good-sized plum. I can barely get my lips around it yet I am soon supposed to somehow swallow this monster and as you can see, my pussy is already dripping at the mere thought of taking it into me.” I spoke all these words around and between licks about Tom’s shaft. Holding his cock toward Dave as if to point out it’s best features, I added, “No offense intended dear but .. how can I put it? Let’s say, you’re a Hyundai and Tom’s just handed me the keys to a Mercedes…nothing is going to keep me from taking it for a fuckin’ test drive!”

Dave: I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was exactly what I’d always feared; this was the reason I’d kept my secret from Jenny. I’ve mentioned Jenny’s penchant for math. And I’ve always found that those with a love of numbers have a fascination with quantity in general. I’d always known that Jenny loved the strength and size of my arms and legs. But, even in my worst nightmares I hadn’t been prepared for this. There was no rancor in Jenny’s voice; just the matter-of-fact tone of someone pointing out the obvious. And seemingly to punctuate her point, Jenny proceeded to engulf the head of Tom’s cock; a head which was twice the girth of mine and fully half as long as my entire cock.

Jenny: It still really hadn’t occurred to me that Dave had made any type of conscious effort to keep me from comparing the size of his cock to others so I didn’t realize that my words pierced his ego. All I knew or cared about at that moment was that in my hands and mouth was the largest cock I’d ever imagined. Dave was right when he said those of us that deal with numbers also have an interest in quantity. And quantity was certainly what I had at that moment. Tom’s cockhead filled my mouth completely, it had not been easy to get it in but once I started, there was no stopping. I could feel his hands on the back of my head, pulling it toward him as he thrust forward gently with his hips. Suddenly, I could feel it at the back of my mouth and pushing against my throat. I had to stifle the impulse to gag but I guess he sensed that and reached out and tweaked a nipple. I gasped and with that gasp, the head slid into my throat for just a second before he pulled it back. I knew then that I could do it and pausing only long enough to wet it more with my tongue, I proceeded to take it in again…a bit deeper. I heard Lisa encouraging, “That’s it Jenny! Swallow it! “.

Dave: For a moment I thought nature was going to end what I’d been unable to; Jenny looked like she was about to choke. But, when Tom pinched her nipple she seemed to relax, and I knew he was already deeper than I’d ever be. As Lisa encouraged her, Jenny took even more of that monstrous cock, and she started to moan. In denial, I blurted, “Stop, she’s choking”. But Lisa just laughed and said, “Those are moans of lust and you know it.” By now, Jenny had taken enough of Tom’s length that only one hand fit on his cock. As if to resolve the argument between Lisa and I, Jenny turned partially towards us, cock still firmly in her lips, and winked. Then, though she’d never before done so in my presence, Jenny brought her free hand to her pussy. Laughing, Lisa pushed me back into my seat, saying, “Relax, I think it’s going to be a long night.”

Jenny: The feeling of Tom’s cock in my mouth and against my throat was just about to overwhelm me. Each time I swallowed, it seemed easier and I worked my way down it slowly, taking another inch or so with each bob. Soon, there was no room left for my hand on his shaft and I knew then that somehow, I had 6 inches or so of cock in my mouth and in the vicinity of another 4 in my throat. I slipped a hand down to cradle and gently massage his balls, which were also massive and heavy in my hand. His fingers of one hand constantly rolled one nipple and he began to massage my temple with the other while murmuring gentle quiet encouragement. Dave and Lisa’s voices faded away as my entire body focused on Tom’s massive member and what it was doing to it. My pussy was on fire, I couldn’t deny the need burning there so my free hand crept there of its own volition, rubbing against my clit in rhythm to the bobs on his cock. I knew I was dripping, I could feel juices running down my leg but I cared for nothing but the need inside me and the feeling in my throat. One finger slipped inside, quickly followed by another. I found myself wondering how that massive cock would feel inside my pussy.

Dave: My emotions kept seesawing between despair and amazement. I couldn’t really believe what I was seeing. Jenny and Tom had turned so that they were in semi-silhouette. Since she had winked, she hadn’t turned her eyes from me. Instead, as she took more and more of Tom, Jenny’s gaze took on the look of lust and mischief Lisa’s eyes so often held. When Tom’s ball’s slapped against her chin, I was stunned. In the course of 15 or 20 minutes, Jenny had basically taught herself deep-throat. Lisa shouted, “That’s it Jen, I knew you could do it”. Jenny’s eyes glittered with triumph as she started to bob on the full-length, all the while fingering herself furiously. Two minutes later Jenny’s lips finally came off Tom’s cock as she moaned and shuddered through a tremendous orgasm. When Jen subsided, Lisa taunted, “Looks like you had fun Jen, but poor Tom’s still hard.”

Jenny: There are moments in our lives when we make irrevocable decisions. Some of them come at the end of long torturous pathways, others seem to come in the wink of an eye. Even as I shuddered through one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever enjoyed, I knew I had forever crossed a line. What had begun in fun and continued in curiosity and a desire to fit in had suddenly changed me. The old Jenny would have been mortified at losing control, exhibiting her nudity, but most of all, at the thought of having anyone, especially her husband, watch as she masturbated to climax. But as I came back to earth, as the shudders subsided, I knew things had changed. Instead of mortification, I felt a rush of sexuality, maybe even power for as my eyes opened I could see Dave. His face held a mixture of wonder and lust, too and I don’t think he was even aware that one of his hands held his own raging erection. As I tried to catch my breath and slow my racing heartbeat, I heard Lisa’s words and turned to look up into Tom’s grinning face. “Good work little Jen,” he said, “what do you say about finishing this off? You’ve felt it in your throat, now wouldn’t you like to also feel it in that hot little cunt of yours?”

Dave: No, I wasn’t aware that I was grasping my own erection. Jenny’s orgasm had been so intense, her performance so exciting, that I’d momentarily forgotten my objections. But Tom’s words shocked me back to my senses. Lisa immediately spoke up. “Wait just one minute”, she yelled, while running out of the living room onto their deck. I took the opportunity to speak up myself, saying, “Jenny, you can’t be seriously considering it.” Pointing in the direction Lisa had fled, I added, “Even Lisa, who instigated most of this, objects. I mean, things would never be the same after you had that.” Lisa returned as I finished, dragging a chaise lounge with her. She quickly made it apparent that I’d misunderstood her reason for leaving the room. She set- up the chaise directly in front of the chair I’d been sitting in; the same chair on the arm of which she’d been sitting. Then she directed Tom to lay down in it. He did so, grasping the base of his cock so that it towered above his belly. Lisa then removed her clothing and returned to her perch on the chair arm next to me. Placing one finger on a hard nipple and the other between her obscenely gaping labial lips, she said, “Come on Jen, Dave and I really want to see those freshly shaven lips stretched around that monster. Even if he won’t admit it.”

Jenny: It was almost like a three-ring circus. I was still gasping for breath and waiting for my heart to slow down. Lisa running out then back in with the lounge and Dave looking back and forth from me to Lisa to Tom and back to me again. I could see all kinds of conflicting emotions running across his face; horror mixed with desire as he looked at me, amusement mixed with disgust at Lisa and amazement mixed with envy at Tom. I too was amazed at Lisa, at her seemingly shoving Tom down my throat, literally! But most of all at her attitude toward Dave. She really was watching him closely and doing her best to get his goat. I knew most of him certainly did not want to see me go any further but I also knew a small part of him was extremely excited. It’s not often any man gets to watch his wife turn into a slut before his eyes. And then there was Tom. The sight of him, lying on that chaise, his erection standing tall above his belly rekindled the fire that my orgasm had just dampened. I knew I was crossing another line and that it might well change things forever but as Dave said earlier, I did appreciate quantity and Tom sure had that. I shrugged mentally ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’. I winked at Dave and Lisa. “He handles really well on the curves, let’s see what he can do in the straight-away”. With that I straddled Tom on the chaise, my newly shorn lips just inches from his plum-like head.

Dave: At a loss, I simply stared at Jenny. Actually, I stared at her beautiful pussy, hovering just inches above Tom’s massive cock. I’d never noticed it much before, but the situation, and the recent shave, focused my attention. The lips were a deep pink from Jenny’s excitement. And they shone with her juices. But even after having played with it, Jenny’s lips parted only slightly and the inner lips extended just barely beyond the outer. Her pussy was soft, smooth and, yes, pretty. And I told Jenny all these things. Through out this, Lisa laughed hysterically. I knew it sounded ridiculous to her, but it was all I had left. Finally, I turned toward Lisa. Pointedly, I stared right at her pussy. Though she was only rubbing her clit, her lips were open wide, and the inner ones hung an inch or more below her outer. Turning back to Jenny I spoke words that I thought cruel towards Lisa, but which seemed my only chance. “It’s your choice Jenny, you can leave here with a pretty pussy or a gaping gash.” Lisa only laughed the harder, until Jenny backed away slightly from Tom’s cock and hesitated.

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